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The whip cream is really for my chips... I asked for it so I can eat it on our way out. I honestly tripped and accidentally smack it on his face... I cackle because he looks cute with it but he seems mad... he called me Adele which rarely happens. I love it when he calls me Princess. I can't hold on my tears and a few escape my eyes. I just can't handle the pain. He's not happy seeing me.

I stormed out of the cafe since people starts noticing me. I drop Laura home and I pick up Louie. "Bye doughnut... thanks." I kissed her and I drove off.

I'm heading off to the beach house. I need sometime alone. I am crying and speeding... then my phone rings.

I put on my earphone and answer the call. "Baby girl... slow down... stop making your car fly!" it's Ben. I look at the rearview mirror but there's just a single vehicle behind me and it's not him. "How do you know?" I asked. "It doesn't matter... just listen ok."

I told him I will and I ended the call. I drive for almost an hour and I reached my destination... I pick up Louie and we head towards the beach. I remove my shoes and walk barefoot. The cold sand always makes me relax.

I sat on the ground, the exact favorite spot of him and listen to the harmonic sound of the ocean breeze. I felt myself crying again thinking of what have happened to me...to Simon...and Peter.

I love Simon, or should I say 'I thought' I love Simon...or do I really love Simon? Of course you love him, you don't give people you don't love the power to destroy you. Says my inner thought.

But right now I am stuck somewhere in between I want to stay and help him and I have every reason to leave.

I wanted to help him heal and make things work between un and it is too early for me to quit but then again I have an enough ground to walk away.

The whole span of time we live together as husband and wife, he has done so much to prove me his love. He cared for me... and he never tried to do things the way he did that night... laying beside him every night, I felt threaten but he was a man enough to distance himself from me.

But there still times that I can see in him the man witch a dark past... a child who suffers too much. I sighed.

I watch the sky as the sun sets... Peter. I wonder was it him I love or the memories we shared together. But if it's not love and I feel like dying then what if it's love... a love that never have but yet you lost.

Have I been blinded of Simon's gentleness that I never see the roughness he'd do to me?

Have I been fooled of Peter's frigidness that I forsake his love?

I hug Louie and he just sat with me quietly like he's giving me time to pour all my pain out.

I laid my back on the cold sand and think... Now, I understand how it feels... the 'warmth' that this cold sand gives...raising my hands and try connecting stars and make links.

I felt a cold but gentle drops of water on my face and I realize it was raining... Perfect then! Even the sky's comforting me.

My phone rings and it's Ben again... "Hello?" I answered trying to sound fine but I know I'm a bit nasal.

"Get on the house Delly. Are you fucking killing yourself?" he scolded me, and again... how did he know?

"Ben you are fucking freaking me out!! Where are you?" I scream at him, he sounds like a stalker.

I hear him sigh. "You're not answering Pete's calls so he called me instead and ask me to call you. Surprisingly, it seems you're avoidi—"I cut him off. "Hold on a second, what do you mean? Pete is not calling me..." I said.

"Whatever it is, ficure that out later... what I'm saying is get on the house... and change!" he yells. "Alright, alright! Love you." I said. "Love you too baby girl. Tc... lock the doors yeah." I cackle and he ended the call.

So it's him... he might be hiding somewhere.

I step on the shower and take time to wash... not that I am dirty... it's just that water gives me peace.

I finished and put on my robe. I head on to the kitchen to singing and take a cup to make some honey...

I decided to get on my pajamas so I went on my room... but the smell makes me feel weak and fragile... and at the very same time I felt secure.

I've missed this... its his scent.


Well I think, I really hurt her. I overheard someone at the cafe saying she tripped because of a bag on the ground, the staff that went on me to help me clean myself says sorry. I ask her why is 'Jenny' carrying a plate of whip cream... she smiles and told me that she has a take away of chips and ask for whip cream for deeps.

But I snap at her because I don't want her to be trap here... I followed her and based on my tracker she's heading to Laura's but didn't stay.

The next thing I knew she's speeding her car, I know where she's heading but speeding? Why? I tried to call her but the operator says it's unattended.. I dialled many times and got the same response.

I decided to call Ben and told him to call Adele because she's trying to put herself in an accident... I think it works because she slows down.

And now, she's laying on the sand... I watched her back... she's there for almost two hours... I wonder what she's thinking... God knows how hard it is for me to hold back... I wanted to go to her and hug her... held her in my arms and tell her how I feel and I am sorry.

But I need to help myself from the pain... sure, I won't look for anyone but atleast try to brace yourself from the grief.

She raised her hand and do writings on the sky... I do the same and I wrote her name but the rain pours and she's not getting up. Again, I can't reach her. I called Ben again, he's kinda annoyed but I told him I can't reach her phone... I ended the call and I saw her pick it up and talks with someone for a while.

She gets up and my phone went on. "Dude, I reach her... is she taking cover now?" Ben ask. "Yeah... man, did she change her numbers?" I still ask though I doubt that. She hates changing her number because it means she have to notify all her conacts about it and she knows it's annoying.

"No." he briefly said. "Alright.." Maybe she blocks me... and a tear fell from my eye voluntarily.

Mrs. Konecki : The Battered WifeWhere stories live. Discover now