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I sat on my chair on the study table. The room seems more organized than the last time, I sip on my honey and reach for my fishbowl... I have hidden my chocolate bars there, Peter won't let me eat these because it may affect my vocals so I have some hidden under the confettis.

I sigh. I am feeling this... my monthly period is here and that's the reason behind the weird chips and whip cream. I remember him... Oh come on, it's not as if there's a second you're not thinking of him!

But he alwasy know when will I have my period.. like he knew it more than me, and imagine, a muscular man like him buying tampons for me... I smile at the thought. He's the only one who did that for me, when I was with Alex, I will have to call Rose, or Laura and if they can't get me, Peter will.

He also knows my comfort foods... one time I got mad at him when he rushed in the house with his shoes full of sands and I'm kind of frustrated about the floor. Although I haven't started husking yet, I got mad at him and told him to make the floor shiny.

I walked out on him and I lock myself on the room. He knocks but what I had got to see is his back and a tray full of my cravings... and he left a note too.

I got my journal and flip it on the marked one.

Princess, I know it's hard these days but don't worry I got you... tell me if you need anything, take some rest. px.

Yeah, I find it sweet so I paste it on my journal... I know he's always on my back. I flip pages and reread some of my entry. I didn't realize that Peter was on it more than Alex and Simon. I sigh. I reach for a pen to write my day but I accidentally drop my notebook.

It lands on the ground open in a certain page in the middle and I saw a writing. I pick it up and read it.

My throat hurts as I tried to hold on my tears...

If I'd have known the way that this would end, if I'd have read the last page first, if I'd have had the strength to find a way, if I'd have known how this would hurt, I would have told you I love you anyway, I'd do it all the same, not a second I would change, not a touch that I would trade, had I known my heart would break, I'd have loved you anyway... px.

12th April, 2013, On my wedding day, he wrote it... my eyes blurry from tears, I wrote...

There comes a time in your life when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it. But this love, this ain't over yet, we haven't even started a single page... there's too much that I haven't said, you still remain the best chapter yet to conclude...x. 15th May, 2013

May 15th? Oh my God, did I just forgot about my birthday 10 days ago? No one remembers? I scroll on my phone and check my inbox... I saw messages from almost all my friends and co-artists, even Rhirhi and Beyonce. Why didn't I read this? and if I didn't read this... then Simon is going through my phone?

My phone rings and it's Laura. "Hey doughnut, babe... Ben called me asking if I handed you our gifts... I'm sorry I forgot but it's here, from Jessie and Ben and from me and Dan... pick it up tomorrow ha, don't forget...goodnight. love you." she said and hang up. I laugh, why is she in a hurry?

I stand up still wondering about the messages... and why the hell Ben told me that Pete can't get a hold of me? I went to my bed and grab my pillow... I smell it and it's his scent.

A small box rolls over the bed as I pull the comforter... it's a black jewelry box with a red ribbon. I sat on my bed and open the box.

I found a white gold ring that's a shape of a crown... it's very beautiful. I spot letter's on the inside of the ring and it's xpx.

My tears started running down... why am I crying?

I put on the ring on my rinf finger and it's perfectly suited for me... yeah, unlike your wedding ring which is too big for yo that's why you're not wearing it. I saw a white paper on the box, I took it.

It's a pair and I have the other one... I hope you don't mind. Wear it, Princess. px.

"You're making me want to give up on my husband... I have all the reason to do so but I don't wanna be a failure." I said to no one while looking at the beautiful ring on my hand.

I have to make a decision. The rain pours so heavy... the lights went off.

"Shit!" this is what I hate the most... I hate darkness. It makes me insane... "No, no, no..." I went on the switch trying my best to make the lights on but it didn't. I lean my back on the wall and closed my eyes tightly... I made a deep sigh. "Adele.. you can do this... open your eyes... go to your bed and sleep under your comforter." I said loudly.

But the moment I opened my eyes... I lost it.


Fuck! This is bad... I was on her rocking chair at the foyer when the lights went off. Maybe because of the bad weather. I immediately run towards the door and as soon as I manage to get in I heard her.

Oh, no...no...no... if there's a thing that The Adele's afraid of... this is it. Darkness. She's seeing things in darkness. She's seeing the monsters in her head coming for her in the dark.

I tried to open the door but it's locked... she's crying hysterically inside and I hate it.

"Adele...Princess..." I call her. Her cries calm a bit. "Peter?" she asks. "I'm scared...they were killing me."

"I'm here baby... let me in." I said... it took time for her to open the door but I know why. She can't move. I found her curled on the floor beside the door.

"Hey...princess...it's alright I'm here..." I said squatting in front of her. She stares at me for couple of minutes first before she throw herself at me.

"You bald... what took you so long..." 

Mrs. Konecki : The Battered WifeWhere stories live. Discover now