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I don't know what to say after hearing what John says and he suggested not to tell it to her. I've asked Faye to come over and examined her too. My sister is an Oby-gyne. John insisted that a woman doctor must check her to confirm his observations and it's lucky of us that she's here.

And even my sister was pissed off of what she find out. My princess was raped. I mean even though she's married to Simon, anyone who was forced to have a sexual intercourse even by her own husband is considered rape. That explains her strange walking and almost all the time wants to be carried. I thought she's just too lazy. Why didn't I find it strange while then she hates me being so protective of her...

I was at the beach when Ben and Daniel come over and hand me a beer. Jonathan and John left earlier, they took a speed boat to come here fast. The three of us was busy with our own minds spinning random thoughts but Ben suddenly curse. I look at him, he's between me and Daniel.

"I'll kill him I swear!" He says with tears streaming down his face. Of course I want to do the same, more than him. "How does he even dare hit her? I've never let even a mosquito bites her when she's with me." He added.

"Laura's broken... She's blaming herself." Daniel said. I know he's hurt too.

"It's my fault." I said. "I should have forced myself to her... at least I will never do that to her." I cried. I hear Ben's deep sigh.

"I should have killed him on the bar." Ben stated with so much anger.

"I should have supported Laura's opinion about him and helped her to persuade Adele."

"I should have fight for her..." That's the last words I said before Laura calls for us for dinner. I didn't stood up right away and lay down on the cold sand crying all the regrets I am feeling right now. There's no way I will let her go back with him. But what if she loves him?

I was too busy and happy to have her in my arms that I didn't noticed her pains...all I saw was those my eyes can see. I didn't see her heart or maybe I neglected to look for I was too afraid to see how much she loves him. Yes, I believe she loves him that she stays with him even if she's hurting. I closed my eyes and cry.

I felt a lips on top of mine and I saw her beside me laying on the sand with her head on my chest.
"Hey Princess... You should be resting." I told her. I tried to get up but she hold me down.

"It's alright. I want it here... Laura's foods sucks..." She cackle. I smile too but my heart is aching.

"Princess..." I call her. She rolled over and had her body on top of mine, she's too innocent. She's really sweet. 

"Hmmm?" She moaned like asking me why.

"Princess what if I told you I will never let you go back to Simon?" Pains strikes my heart when her smiles fade away and get off me. I sat down beside her carefully watching her.

"Will he really let me go Peter?" She asks. Although her question is full of uncertainty, I am relieved that she's thinking of it too.

"He had no right to hurt you Adele. He'll have to face me if he'll insist." She looks at me and smile a bitter one.

"I wish you did that before... " She said. Her voice full of pain and it kills me.

"Princess..." I don't know what to say.

"I wish you showed up at Jonathan office when he asks me not to call off the wedding." She said, I know that... I saw that... She looks at the see with her eyes teary.

"I wish you fight for me then... Maybe were not like this, maybe were happy or maybe not." I want to say something but no words come out from me. "I asked God for a sign, I told him that you'll just show your face in front of me that very moment, no, I will choose you over him." I was really shocked. She cackle as she looks at me. She crawl on my lap and push my jaw up... I didn't know I was like that.

"But Princess I am there..." Finally, I've said it. "I was there when he cried in your lap and asked you to marry him." She just sniff my chest.

"I know... I know... I smell you... " She says sobbing. "But you left... You didn't say a thing."

"...because I am hurt Princess, I thought we already had understandings. I thought that the time we spent together here is enough to tell you how I feel." I said.

"Girls are not fortune teller Peter... You should have told me." She said.

"But I did--" she cuts me off.

"Peter, I'm hungry. Let's cook..." I understand that she wants to change the subject.

"I love you." I told her. She didn't say a thing and get up. I saw her winced and was out of balanced at first. I get up and carried her on my shoulder. Yap... Like a sack of rice.

"Ahh! Put me down..." She yells but I just run shouting.

"Laura!!! Adele says your food sucks!" She's hitting my chest... I put her down as we made it inside the house. I cough multiple times grabbing my chest like it really hurts and I even broke down at the wooden floor. She doesn't believe me at first... She even push me using her feet.

"Peter!" She yelled. I saw the others come running to look at us. Adele was busy tapping on my face telling me to wake up so I manage to give them a sign that I was pranking her.

"Peter! It's not funny! Wake up!" She says... Try harder babe.

"Oh, right... Maybe you can do a CPR Delly." Jess suggested. She hesitated.

"Why? He's not drowned." Oh my God, Princess... CPR's not only given to drowned people... Why are you so fucking innocent. Faye bursts into the front door probably to check on Adele and I saw her eyebrows furrowed. Adele was now beginning the CPR so I got the chance to motioned her to play along.

"Would this really help?" Yeah, go on Princess... she really hates public Display of affection but she did after all... I want to smile but I can't!

"It's not working!" She yells... She's panicking. "Oh God! Peter! I love you wake up!" She said before doing the CPR again and I can't hold it anymore. I held the back of her head and kissed her mouth. She was dumbfounded when I ended the kiss.

"I love you too Princess." I told her, she blushed and slap me. Well I deserved that. She eyed everyone and all of them disappeared like a bubble.

"I hate you." She said walking out to the kitchen. Of course I run after her. She's now busy looking at the fridge. Everyone was busy talking but I know them, they we're just playing but they are watching us. I walk over her and hug her waist from behind.

"Let's cook dinner together Princess." I whispered to her. She looks at me like I tell her something I shouldn't be saying. I sealed our lips and she kissed me back.

"I love you." She smiled at me.

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