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"What happen?!" Laura bursts out crying on Penny's house. Everyone here is worried because we can't find her.

"We fought last night and she's mad at me, she left with the bike earlier. Now she's nowhere!" I answered her frustrated.

"What?!" She screamed. My anger strikes me, how dare she? She's partly the reason why we fought.

"Please, Lau, everyone is in panicked now, don't make another problem." I told her and she shuts up. "We need to find Simon!" I said.

"But why?" Penny asked. Right, she's clueless about everything. She didn't know that Simon beats up Adele...

"Ben, do you know where Clary lives?" I asked not answering Penny. I don't want her to worry more.

Ben nodded.

"Great, go to her with Daniel, Laura stay here with Penny just in case something came up. Those two children were my princess's friends. Keep them here." I told her. "And I'll go to Adele's house, that's where Simon text her to meet." I said.

"I will go with you." That's the least man I wanted to be with but I need all the man power to help me so I nodded.

* * *

"Why did you fight with her last night?" Soufian ask me on the way to Adele's mansion.

I didn't answer him, it's because of him.

"Why did you manage to sleep knowing she's mad at you?" He asked again.

"I didn't sleep for fuck sake!" I snapped at him.

"Then why did you let her go?" He asked a bit angry.

"Don't start with me young man! You have no idea how much I love that woman." I said with my teeth gritted. I pulled over to Adele's driveway. We jumped off the car and heads towards the door. It's locked. I went on the plantbox on my left and look for the key.

"Why do you know there's a key there?" Soufian asked again.

"I am her bodyguard." I said coldly.

"But why is she living with you on that beach house?"

"You're asking too much! I am her boyfriend for fuck sake!" I said to him, he smirk and then nodded patting my shoulder. What's with him. He pushed the door and step in before me. I followed him and we looked for Adele in every corner of the house but no sign of her or Simon in here.

"Let's go. We shouldn't waste time." I said running towards and the car.

I steer my wheel and reached my phone.

"Ben, she's not here. Did you get Clary?" I asked as soon as Ben picks up.

"Yes but we rushed her to the hospital, she's unconscious." He answered.

"Fuck!" I pulled over the car and rushed to the hospital.

* * *

"Is she still unconscious?" I asked Ben, Clary is the only one who can give us leads to where Simon might bring Adele.

"Let's see." Ben told me and we rushed to the room... I punched the wall as we find Clary on tubes and still unconscious. Her face is full of bruises and so her body is.

If Simon did this to her, and remembering how Adele looks 2 months ago... I again, pucked the wall in so much frustrations.

"Excuse me, are you her guardian?" A nurse asked behind me.

"Yes we are." Ben answered.

"We find this in her pocket." The nurse hand him her wallet and her phone then walked out.

Mrs. Konecki : The Battered WifeWhere stories live. Discover now