Fucking bitch

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Marcos POV :

'STAR!?' We shouted around town . I didn't want to go home with out her . I looked over at Janna . She looked upset . 'Janna are you ok?' I ask walking close to her 'Yea I'm just kinda annoyed that tom or star never told me they went out , I mean we tell each other everything.' I hug Janna . 'Well she has loads of secrets.' She gives me a smile . 'Glossirick ?' 'No janna I'm Marco.' 'NO ITS GLOSSIRIC!' I push away from Janna. 'GLOSSIRIC!?' I shout as he turns to face me .

'Marco , great to see you, why do you have stars wand ?' I look down at my hands . ' 'oh she kinda ran away and left me her wand.' Glossiric wasn't that fazed . 'Glossiric do you know where she is ?' He pauses , 'Listen Marco I may or may not know but I'm gonna go get some chicken .' As he flys past , Janna caught him . 'Listen little man ! Star is my friend and she is in a dark place right now , so tell me where she is !'

Stars POV :

I knew Glossiric was going to tell marco , so I moved again . I moved idk where but it was near the city sign . It was honestly so lonely with out anyone there . No one by my side , only my phone that was dead silent. Hour by hour I was hoping for a text saying :

'I give up butterfly , go be free , I won't annoy you.' .

But who was I kidding that wouldn't happen .
Now your probably thinking , great , this story has no more Marco or well Marco is a fucking dick he is making you feel worse about the tom thing . But what really hurt about that is that he didn't come to me and say 'is it true?' Or 'who posted that?' He just held back a laugh . And why did tom get dragged into it ? Would Janna be next !?. I couldn't sleep that night , I mean I was stairing at my screen saver it was Marco and I . I couldn't concentrate .

Marcos POV :

'Marco , maybe star went home.' Janna said holding my shoulder. 'But what if she didn't Janna , what is some pervert had picked her up and taking advantage of her ?' 'Marco , Come on , Star is strong with or without her wand she could beat someone dead , let's go home , Jackie has a little surprise for u at home.'

As we walked home , I told Janna how this was my fault and how I should of been protecting Star . We walked into the house , and Jackie was there but she was crying . 'Janna what happend ?' Janna asked sitting next to her . She showed me her phone

Dear Jackie
I fucking hate you , you steel everything u fucking slut . Go kill your self

I was shocked . I know Jackie and star didn't always get along but I did sound like star and it is her number , like hounistly I pressed the contact and everything there was no way this could be

Jannas POV :
FUCKING FAKE . I can't believe Marco feel for that . Stars number was wrong by 1 number , see her number is +44 7860161345 But Jackie put +447860161346 I mean it's hard to notice but really marco . I didn't say anything cus jackie gave me a death glare . I hated that bitch we had a massive fight yesterday .

Jackies POV :
What ? I hate star ? And hey maybe I do have something to do with all this . But ssshhh I'm not the only devil with horns in this game .

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