Day 15 <part 2>

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Stars POV :

Jannas log burner was lit .
Our hair was in tin foil and I was clutching my wand and sicciours . TBH I lost my spell book I have no idea where it is.

'Hey star ? Wanna make some brownies ?'

'Um , sure , you go ahead , I'm just gonna nip to the bathroom .'

As she got up and ran to the kitchen , I looked at my stuff .

'Well wand . We have had some good times , but I'm so sorry.'

Tears dropped down my face .
You can do this
I said to my self .

I placed the wand over the fire .


Janna walked in screaming.
I turned back .
Tears down my face wouldn't stop , Janna rushed over .

'Star what are you doing ?'

'Janna I-I...'

'Star tell me the truth.'

What I want to say :
'Jannna the truth is I'm being controlled by Jackie and her friends they are killing me making me cut , cut my hair dye in and burn my stuff . I was doing this to protect all of you .'

What I actually said:
'I-I thought if I burned everything I could re invent my self . I mean , look at me , I've already started .'

'What do you mean ?'

'Well I'm always saw as the preppy girl , but I'm not. I'm full of anxiety Janna.'

'Star I know .'

'But you don't . You are lucky , you didn't bottle it up for 5 years of life . I have . You let it all out and people listened , but when I dropped hints nothing . Only recently people have noticed because I've hurt.'

'Aww Star. You should of told your group . We would listen.'

She hugged me and lifted me up

'Come on let's get those brownies.'

'Ok by I do need to go to the bathroom.'

She nodded and I ran to the bathroom.
I hit a few things in there .

'Come on where is it!?'

Since Janna gave me all her blades , I had been using a pen lid . It didn't work as well but it did the job . And the other thing was my drugs . The dare never ended in that one.

Jackies POV :

'Listen , Jackie , you know I love you.'

'Yes Marco.'

'How would you feel about making me a promise.'

'What ?'

'We tell each other everything . Nothing is a secret .'

'Marco that sounds great. Complete houniste is what we need in this relation ship . Love you marco.'

'I love you too.'

Marcos POV :

Guys ,
I'm a mess .
I'm done with feelings .

My heart changed its mind .

I've always said that I love Jackie and star but now , it's just Star . I don't know what happend . Is it the face that Jackie likes me as a person or that Star want s me to move on as a person x IDK !?

But the bad things is , I can't brake up with her this week .

This week is gonna be hard for her , it always is.

It's the 10 year anniversary or the lynn Thomas fire .

*flash back*

I was 8 . Walking pass jackies house .
Everything was fine till 11:00

Everyone apart from Jackie and her perants died . She lost the people she loved the most .

It's cruel to brake her now

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