Day 8 <part 1>

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Stars POV:

as i woke up from a weird night i saw Marco right beside me. he was dead asleep. it was kinda cute him just sleeping there . not a care in the world.

'Marco..... marco...... MARCO!'

he jumped right out of his skin and he fell out of bed.

'star what do you want ? its 9 in the morning'

'yea 9 in the morning , you need to get up , go to school.'

he turned to his phone , all of his alarms had been turned off.

'omg i was ment to meet jackie!'

he stands up and runs into the bathroom. i laugh and turn to answer my phone . now i had clues of who this person was , because the 1. must go to the school 2.they can access our home and 3.they are close to us . but that is 1 person , there are 3 of them .

they could be 1 of the people on this list :

janna , tom, alexia , jackie , tom , our neighbours , Keith , one of Marcos there BFF's (which there are 5 of.)

*one notification*

i picked up my phone and placed my list under my pillow . i swiped my phone open and hoped for the best .

'hey star , the original dare person is ill so I'm doing it today , so call me snake . your dare is to , um . i know make marco think you have done something,'

'snake im not ill , i just turned my phone off , but i like your idea but i want to add on . the is money under your flower pot , go buy something that will make marco think your sleeping with his ex best friend that moved to mexico'

'no thats too far , sure we flirted when we met but marco was too over protective over me , he would kill him'

'well he has no contact with him and he dents know wherein mexico so he is safe . good luck butterfly.'

'yea what she said.'

'snake your really annoying.'

'what if i don't do it'

'we told you Marco and janna will be at risk , we have people everywhere.'

i had to think about what i was going to do . marco hated that kid , how would he feel if i fake slept with him ? would he hate me ? start calling me those horrible things ?

slut , hore , ex best friend .

i had to do it though i couldn't loose there lives , but i will risk loosing marco along as he is safe

'ok ill do it.'

i turned my phone off and snuck out my window to the flower pot , inside was $5 .

marcos POV :

'jackie , I'm sorry I'm late.'

she sat in a bench crying

'jackie are you ok ? whats up?'

'marco m-my dad is having a affair, my parents are getting a divorce ,'

jackie kept on cry into my arms , it gave me pain to know both girls in my life wear going through a hard time. i held her in my arms the hole way to school.

this was going to be a hard day

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