Day 7 <part 2>

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| Thankyou guys for telling me what you think , I'm gonna. Try 20 days💗|

Marcos POV :

We had no idea why she was doing this
The videos ?
They would blow over

*one notification*
Everyone's phone said in unison
I looked around to see everyone looking at me.
Jackie looked worried for me .

'M-Marco , What happend at home ?'

'Nothing , I swear.'

She hugged me .

'Marco it's ok , I won't brake up with you , it's not your fault.'

My head was so confused . Nothing happens last night . Apart from the .... kiss . WAIT.
When everybody stopped looking I snatched toms phone .


It was a video of last night , but the tables have turned . Star rushed into kiss me . Honestly I wouldn't of minded if that happened.

'Marco I knew star loved you , don't let her talk you way from me.'
Jackie said all scared

'Jackie I would never let her do that.'

I kiss her fore head .

Jackie POV:

Was I mad at Marco , yes
Was I mad at star , OF COURSE
but jarco is 4ever so deal with it Star .

As the school buss arrived , I had another little suprize . It would of been better if I told Star to drop out of school next week , but oh well.

'That's sick.'
Marco said ripping down one of the pictures

The picture was from about 2years ago.
It was of her
In the bathtub
Luckily there were bubbles
I'm not that mean.

'Omg poor star.' I said all innocent

Marcos POV:
People were laughing at them , taking pictures of them .
I Hurd a bang on a locker.

'Tom what are you doing ?'

'Taking down all these pictures'

'Good idea.'

One by one they came down but there was so many all over the school , this could take all day

Stars POV:

It was a pretty warm day , so mind but not a lot . Well kinda a lot it blew the lighter out a couple times .

My stomic was going crazy ,
I was so hungry , I would eat anything ( anything food making that clear)
I but my finger nail , but that did nothing.
The school looked pretty normal as I watched it
No fire
No loud screams , just silence .

As I lay my head in my arms .

'Chin up princess '
, Glossiric said holding a magic mirror

'Hey mom'

'Star I Hurd about you arm , who are you with?'

I kinda waved my arm around , anough for her to see my stitch

'Oh Star , are you ok now ?'

'Oh I'm fine.'

I hug the mirror

'Star Remember a butterfly never showed affection , but in this case I'll allow it.'

We kinda hugged for about 5min

'Ok Star , now go and get some corn , your looking skinny.'

When the call ended , I went back inside . My phone was spammed again but not by unknown. By everyone in school.

I left my phone , if it's from everyone in school I'm just gonna ignore it . Because I don't wanna talk

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