Let it out . The end

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Stars POV :

I didn't want to be alone with snake and bird so I just preyed .

I shut my eyes . I Hurd the car doors being swung open and closed , feet being pushed ageist the rocky path.


A voice screamed . I opend one eye .

'Marco ?'

He came and pulled me into a hug. His face dripping with tears .

'Marco ?'

I said with hesitation holding back my tears.

'Marco I'm fine . Don't be so scared I'm just , watching the wind.'

Then Janna and tom got out the car , idling the car doors

'I-I know everything , it's ok to cry just let it out your not alone , I'm here.'

My eyes started to water , each blink was becoming harder to hide . I couldn't any more.

Tears were dripping as fast as possible. Scars I have hidden has been realised .

'Marco I'm so scared.'

'It's ok just let it out.'

I hold him tight .

'Star ?'


I look up at him and he smiles as he wipes away the tears.

'I love yo-'

'What the fuck is going on ?'


Tom and Janna shout in unison before their mouths were covered by bird and snake.

'Jackie what the fuck have you done !? YOU ARE A EVIL BASTERD YOU BUTCH WE ARE DONE !'

'Yea like I care .'

'Marco just go . Protect your self.'

'No star , you have been through anough.'

'Star it 4:23.'

I look at Marco . He smiles at me why he holds my shoulders .

'I-I'm sorry Marco.'

I push him away and yell my final good byes.

'Do it.'

Jackie says.

I turn around and take in a deep breath. Before I knew it Jackie pushed he . I was falling . I couldn't catch a breath.


As I hit the water I Ever so slowly sunk.

I thought I was gone , but I wasn't.

I opened my eyes all I could see was What was ment to be my future around me . It was sweet.

After about 3 min I can't really remeber

I just recall being pulled out by a life gard .

Marcos POV :


'Marco no.'

Janna cryed holding me back.


'Well Marco I would love to stay and chat but I gtg.'
As she enters the car the police arrived, the evidence had been given and they were on the hunt .

'Marco let's go down to the beach , she might be there.'

We sprinted to the beach , but nothing.
We looked everywhere.

'Oh my god she is actually gone.'

Janna said braking down . She couldn't physically stand . Tom was there trying to comfort her.

I walked into the water

'Marco where are you going?'

'If stars gone So am I.'


'They ran in and pulled me back.'

'I-I just want to be with her.'

'I know you do.'
Janna said hugging me.

The sea calmed down and we just sat .
The police had Jackie as far as we were aware .

'Excuse me ? Are you tom lucifor , Janna Williams and Marco Diaz ?'


Tom replayed

'Come with me.'

We stood up and followed the man to a staff room.

'Go to room 12.'

We all hesitated to walk in , Janna opened the door nob.

When the door opened her face lit up.


I pushed them out the way and ran to her . I pulled her out her chair and kissed her .

This time she didn't pull back , she let it happen.


Janna said

Then tom kissed Janna.
Not as special because they were dating but still special.


Star said realising the kiss.


'I-I love you.'

'I love you too Star.'

The end.

// this was really hard to write due to being the last chapter . I have enjoyed writing this and I can't believe it's over . I'm so sad . Thankyou all who read every chapter and enjoyed it . Hope you stick around for more stories . Any suggestions I would love to take. Thankyou xxx

Izzy cx

If you would like to stay updated on shit and stuff follow my accounts

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Sc- iz.zy4\\


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