The picture

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Kelly's POV :


I shouted at the stairs. I Hurd someone fall . I think I woke someone up.
Foot steps lead down the stairs , it was Marco , thank god .

'Kelly ? What are you doing here ? I thought you We with s-Star?'

'Yea but I have sicciours too.'

I threw them on the sofa . I looked at Marco and he looked at me . His face god red

'Marco why is star acting out around you?'

He froze and started to sweat . He drew his eyes to a picture.

'It's just something that happened ages ago. She just can't take back what she did , she can't change the past.'

'But Marco she can change the future . She may had made a mistake but will you really let that affect your friendship with her. Anyway what really happened ?'

He looked down at his phone .

'Kelly , I cant really forget what she did , I wish I could but I can't.'

He swiped on his phone .

'What I'm going to show you rewend our friend ship.'

'It's a picture , a picture of star kissing someone.'

'My enimy.'

'Marco , is this what it's all about . It's old . Shouldn't you be less dramatic ? Maybe she was drunk.'

His face fell .

'Maybe I mean she wouldn't do it on purpose she does know how I feel toword him.'

Stars POV :


I shouted as she got water all over my dress

'Star calm down.'

'My dress is see through!'

'Well sorry , here put this on.'

She hands me the tiniest jacket ever .

'You stay here and I'll go get jerky to get you another dress.

Marcos POV :


Kelly shoves me into the crowd

'Yep I'm here , I just went to go get my back up dress.'

'Great , Star needs to borrow it.'

Pony pulled Kelly into the girls bathroom .

'Ok what am I gonna say ?'

'Star I'm sorry I just hate that dick , no
Star I'm so sorry and I just got over protective over you. That's perfect!'

'Thanks Kelly.'

Star said coming out of the bathroom with pony head wiping the miscara of her face.

She spun into the dance floor .


She was falling , I quickly ran and just about catched her .

'Hey thanks-
Marco !?'


She jumped up and rubbed her head .

'So , what's up ?'

'I'm so sorry star I was a dick I should of asked why you did it , you must have a good reason.'

I hugged her so tight , it was kinda awkward because of the dress she was wearing . It was a short dress which the near line was really low

'Marco can we talk back at home ? I mean I except your apology but I kinda just wanna dance.'

She swung me into the dance floor . We danced for hours . We had so much fun

2h later .


'I know so don't shout.'

I rolled onto the sofa with star .

'Hey can we talk about the picture now ?'

'Oh ok , so what do you want to ask?'

'Just why you did it ?'

Stars POV :


'Marco I was stressed and had a lot going on , my mom pressuring me to be a queen and you not being in the classroom so I could ask for help . Just know I didn't enjoy it , I always have your class in my head- I MEAN your thoughts.'

He hugged me tight . And whisper in my ear

'Star you an always talk to me.'

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