Day 19 <part 1>

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Stars POV :

I couldn't sleep last night I was so happy and mostly cold . But mostly happy . Today was my last day of this bull shit . I know when it's done I'm not allowed to talk to Marco but I just want to stop killing myself .

I walked over to the little hole in the shed I was in and was looking for Jackie , I wanted her to tell me that this one wasn't gonna be hard , but it is the last day , it could be shit .

*knock knock*

She was here . I held my breath and hid Glossiric under my jacket .


She demanded . I couldn't tell if she was pissed it just shouting for the fun of it. I opened the door and let out a breath.

'Morning jackie.'

Then the other 2 walked in. They surrounded me .

'Hello Star.'

'So today is your final day .'
Bird said

'So we better make it good'
Snake said.

They all smiled .

'W-what is it.'

'Listen here Star . You are a waist of space and a useless human, Wait your not even human.'

'Yea I'm mewiman.'

'Anyway , here.'

She passed me a note

'See you then piggy, happy last day.'

She slammed the door and I could hear them giggling out side .

I opend the note .

'Dear Star.

After we constantly tell you to go to hell and kill your self , today it's gonna happen . Your gonna kill yourself . At 4;23 you are gonna go to West ail cliff and jump, we will be there making sure you can't turn back.

~ from Jackie , bird and snake.'

I took a gulp. This has gone too far . But what can I do , it's out of my control . I-I have to do it . Maybe I'll survive and just get a broken leg , I mean there is water , and also rocks .

I need Janna to pull through for me . ASAP.

Jannas POV:

I ran to toms house this morning , in Maybe not the best thing for his parents to see me in . Anyway today was the day we tell Marco and I was so exited for that bitch Jackie to get what's coming to her .


He fell out of bed.

'What ?.'

'Today we tell Marco about Jackie.'

'Couldn't we do it later.'


'But he could be sleeping , like some people.'

'Well fuck that come on !'

'Your really cute when your stressed.'

'I know.'

As he got dressed I was thinking about what I was gonna say and how I was gonna say it . I was so exited !

Marcos POV :

I lay in my bed . I didn't have any thoughts in my head , just empty nothingness .

I was just thinking . Thinking about Star , thinking about what I was gonna say to Jackie, I mean I have to let her down easy tomoz.


It was very Aggressive knocking


It was Janna and tom . When I opened the door they came running in.

'Are you guys Ok?'

'Oh Marco we have been dying to tell you something.'

'About what ?'

'Star and Jackie.'

'What about them.'

'You might wanna sit down.'

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