Day 10 <part 1>

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Stars POV :

Just don't do it.
Apart from that , I woke up on the floor only using my hair as a pillow . I didn't charge my phone last night so it was on 16% battery which sucked because it was Friday .

*one notification*
*one missed phone call*

I unlocked my phone and you guessed it recalled the unknown number .

'Hello ?'

The voice wasn't like the last time I got a call , it was deeper and sounded very high class.

'Um hi ? Who are you ?'

'My name is un important but I would like to meet you today.'


*one notification*

'I'll call you back.'

I end the call and anwser the text .

'Day 10 half way , suprized you haven't passed out again . Anyway today's date is pretty simple , I just want you to meet the person on the phone. Just go with more cuts MORE CUTS because i feel like you haven't done that in a while . Bye.'

Ok , ok I'm I gonna be meeting one of the people ? Is that a good thing if I am ?

I call back the number

'Excuse me sir , I would happily join you.'

'Great I'll meet you at the school at 10 so I would go one the bus.'

I roll off the floor and climb into my chair . Going back into the school bus . Fun . As I brushed my hair , Marco walked in .

'Hey star what are you doing up ?'

'Oh just um, getting readdy to go to school I guess.'

Marco shot right up , he looked really happy .

'Oh thank god , I thought I was gonna be alone in Tec again.'

I gave him a little giggle as we shut my door .
I got into my usual dress , you know the blue one .


Ok I guess I have no time for breckfast now my days are up. Oh wait , I'll die .
I grab a packet or marshmallows , idk why and run onto the bus with Marco .

Everyone kinda looked at me , maybe because of the videos or maybe the cuts . I just walked past them to the back . Tom was there all Exited to see me , like he actually had a huge smile .

'Star , where have you been?'

He said hugging me

'Oh I've been , um in mewni , queen stuff.'

'I get ya. Star you look really skinny .'

'Thx tom.'

'No I mean really skinny , here have this mango.'

'Um thx.'

As we arrived at school Marco waited outside the bus for me . I could see the man . He was a tall man in a dark suit , his long black pony tail was blowing in the wind .

'Come on Star , our bus was late , we need to get to home room.'

'I'll meet you there.'

He hugged me and then ran off . I don't blame him out home room teacher is strict AF.

Marcos POV :

As I sat at me desk , I looked at Jackie look out the window . He eyes sparkled kinda like the sun does in water. I waved at her but she didn't see . Then she came over .

'Marco what is star doing ?'

She asked turning my head out the window .

She was sad . Also getting in the car with some random man !? WHAT THE HELL !? She could be assaulted or worst . Jackie looked worried

'Marco , why is star acting out ? She has been doing this a lot.'

'I-i don't know . But it's dangerous what she is doing.'

'Maybe she knows the man ?'

'Maybe she doesn't.'

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