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Stars POV :

As I walked to the side , I grabbed the note pad , not noticing the pills .

'Huh , they are filled with words.'

As I read them , they all said the same thing

'Bird : hi.'

It was just repeated . Did it mean something ? I don't know . Anyway , I couldn't think about what I could do to my ex friends . It's not everyday a friends who you thought loved you fucking hate and are willing to cheat on you.

After hours of thoughts , I only had one thing wrote down . Why bird ?

Then toffee came back in the room.

'So butterfly what do you got ?'

I passed him the paper


He hit me to the floor and spat on me

'Why are you struggling ? Your friends don't care about you , if Marco cared about you he wouldn't cheat on you , he because someone else's and Janna and tom never liked you .
If you think about it they were just toying with you emotions , maybe they had you on a thread to be popular or use your magic . Infact , when you save them do they say Thankyou ? Or do then just scream that you put them in harms way ?'

'They say I put them in harms way.'

'yet you risk your life . And when Jackie was coming at u , you protected them and this is how they repay you ?'

'I guess .'

'Star let out your anger , don't bottle it up. If you think the should feel your feelings you will stand with me , and we will do this together .'

Marcos POV :

I went home , alone . I just slammed opened doors and gazed at the last think Star was close to. It made me cry.

Words can't say what it's like to go through that , call me dramatic but your girlfriend , the girl hom who said you would marry thinks your a cheat . I wish she was here , on the couch still watching reruns of the real housewives .

Why can't we just live a normal life.

As I gave up hope , I fell back on to the coach .

*1 notification*

I looked at my ipad . Yes my ipad , idk where my phone is . Now just so you know I never changed jackies user , cus I blocked her on my phone.

Jackie💗👑: Hey bitches

Janna : hello Jackie

Tom : 🙄

Jackie💗👑: I have a friend who would like to join us.

Marco : who ?

Jackie💗👑: under a code name my I introduce

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