Cover your face

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Marcos POV :
I turn around , there was nothing . It was like a invisible sounds - oh wait never mind . Star had gotten up and knocked over so stuff. 'Oh thank gosh Marco is gone.' Star said from inside. Did she hate me or something . Anyway but my that being said I could tell I wasn't wanted .
I walked off with confusion in my brain and broken love in my heart . I know again they were just dreams but I was confused by them .

Stars POV :
After I said what I said , I Hurd Marco out side . I hope he took it the wrong way because I'm not really meant to see him . I really do love him though . As I get up from knocking over nearly everything in the tent , some bleech fell on my hair . 'FOR FUCK SAKE!' I say fishing out the tent to the lake . 'Please please come out !' I dangled my hair over the lake for a hour . Before I knew it someone picked me in . Gasps of air were taken fast . As I finaly did my doggy paddle in the shadows stood 3 people.

'See you tomorrow butterfly.'

Now your probably thinking . OMFG U CAN TELL BY THERE VOICES WHO THEY ARE !
I wish I could . They had like a robot speeker , couldn't make out who they was for a life. As I shiver back to my tent , someone came behind me.
'Star ?'
I turn around to see tom.
'Tom what are you doing here ?' I ask hugging him.
'I come here to get away from stuff why are you wet?'
'Long story , what are you getting away from?'
'No one will shut up about the video.'
'Tom I'm so sorry.'
We hug again
'So wanna camp with me?'
'Sure why not , just prey there are no cameras.'

As we walked into the tent , I told Tom to cover his face I case someone was there cough cough*those 3 people*cough cough .
I slept well when he was there , but not as much as Marco .

Marcos POV :

'So what do you think it means?' I asked Janna on the phone .
'Well I think it means that , that is what your future would be with both those people , but I don't think Jackie would be a stripper.'
'Me eaither.'
'Listen I gtg , mom problems , bye'

She hung up the phone and my mum was in the door way .

'Only the last bit.'
She placed my washing on my bed and walked over .
'Maybe , you love star and Jackie and maybe you just had to think about what the gutter held . Sure stars might be better but I mean she would be a queen .'
She kissed me in the forehead
'Night Chico.'

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