Day 17 <part 2>

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Stars POV :

Ok so it is a bad Dare , I could get shot . But it would actually be pretty cool if I wasn't gonna die . I would be like Kim possible or a spy .

'Star butterfly the spy.'

Nice I guess .

anyway I didnt make it last time I did one of these because it was across town and I only had 5 min but now I have as much time I want , due to not going school.

So , I'm gonna do that.

Jannas POV :

I woke up to a spammed phone of Marco . They were weird questions , like I was kinda worried questions .

Marco : Janna , I can't . I feel like I have fucked up stars life .

Janna : Marco you have done nothing

Marco : I have though .

Janna : Marco you have done nothing

Marco : you don't know that .

Janna : Oh Marco , if only I could say.

Marco : what do you mean ? Janna ? Hello.

I said to much , like I nearly threw my phone across the floor.

I walked up stairs to my bedroom . Stars phone was on her bed .
I had to look on her phone all the texts , lies and everything.

As I enter the phone , my hand were phisical my shaking .

I didn't know what I was expecting or what I was witnessing .

'Ok Janna you can do this.'

I went into her messages . The most recent was her blocking Jackie so that left me with only little detail . But what I do have was horrible .

- fake pictures of star hooking up with a boy

- telling star to cut/ die

- dares

But the most recent . Was heart braking .

I found out where she was . And I cried . She wants Marco to be protected over her . That's so cute . WHAT THE FUCK CANT MARCO KNOW !

I think he would do so much.
Dumb Jackie ( I would hope)
Report Jackie
Beat Jackie up
Marry star
Have a daughter named cressie or slmething like that.

Stars POV :

I made it to the place . Having tame to get there made me stress a little less .
In my bag was a pile of coke. Yes I looked because I was worried it would be a dead pig because , it smelled so bad in the shead.

*knock knock.*

The door slowly opened . The place was lit with red lights why 5 men played pocker .

'Jackie ?'

'Nope I'm Star , delivering something for Jackie.'

The men stepped out of the darkness . They were all buff . Covered in tattoos and had scary facial hair.

'Guys guys sit back down.'

Another figure was down the hall .

'Come over here , it's where the money is'

I look over and walk . As I entered the other room , the face was so recognisable.

'Do I know you ?'

I ask clutching the bag tight .

'Star butterfly , I do know you.'

We looked at each other for a while . Long blown hair covered one eye and a red bandanner was around his neck.

'Oskar ?'

'Oh Star , I haven't seen you in 4 years.'

'Yea long time no see huh.'

'Yea . Anyway . I understand that we have a traid to make.'

'Yes ..'

'Ok pass me the bag.'

I hesitate .

'Star. Pass me the bag.'

He came close to my face , I could feel his breath .

I punched him in the noise and grabbed the money . Oskar yelled so men came running with guns , but I had just made it out the window . THANK GOD !

Jannas POV :

I decide to text Marco .

Janna : Marco could I ask you something

Marco : what

Janna : if someone loved you , that you were close to what would you say?

Marco : ?

Janna : and what if they loved you so much they were protecting you from something

Marco : Janna ? What the fuck are you watching on tv .

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