Little bitch

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'Marco are you ok ?'

I said as confused as I could sound . Marco was just sat on the floor why tom and I crowded him.

'Marco buddy ? Look at my eye . Tell me what was said.'

'Wow Tom the theripis /idk how to spell\ haven't seen you since our wedding.'

I said laughing has he rolled his eyes . After a while Marco finally lifted his head

'She has gonna and done it , s-she's gone.'

He said braking down . I knew what he ment , Star had left him for good, never seeing us again-

'She didn't even say good bye , she was just found dead.'

Ok maybe I didn't know what he ment .

'What ? No no no.'

I said backing down . She had actually done it.

Tom lay down and hid his face in the ground . He was weird about showing emotion, like when I told him about our kid he ran upsatais and hit under the sink.

As I wiped away a tear I saw Marco joking a note.

'M-Marco what's that.'

I said shaking his shoulder

'I-i don't know I was given it.'

He looked down and read it . I could see his eyes moving line to line . His expression

Marcos POV :

'Dear Star butterfly

You tormented everyone's life . I thought you were my friend , but friends dont hurt friends . YOU JUST PLAY EVERYONE AND NOT LETTING THEM BE IN THE NARRATIVE ! I just don't get it STAR . You used to be nice BUT YOU JUST TURRNED INTO A PRICK , BITCH SLUT WHORE J WANT TO FUCKING KILL YOU I WANT YOU TO BURN IN HELL OR WORST WORDS CAN DESCRIBE HOW I FEEL ABOUT YOU , I just hope that you burn

- Janna and Tom .

I turned to look at Janna look at me . THAT EVIL BITCH ! How could she say that to star , after all we have been through,

'What does it say?'

She asked trying to take the letter.


'Woah woah woah , no one talks to my baby like that , what's your problem bro?'



I turned away and shoved the door shut , locking it after .

I just broke down in my hands . What the hell is happening . Why the hell did they do that . WHY THE HELL WOULD A PERSON EVEN START THIS ! . The only think I hope is star is up the in heaven with a good person.

Stars POV :


I said clinking my glass with my older ego and toffee .

'Star I'm impressed that this actually worked.'

'I told u my ideals were ideal.'

'Well they were . Now the plan is going great, but as usal , I have a meeting with Jackie so I'll be about a hour.'

He locked the door after him and slid the key into his mouth , now he is like this magic this that can just walk through doors of metal. Great.

As I went to go put some music on , I felt my heart burn.



Shade shouted

After a solid 20min of pain , 2 voices appeared.
More egos.

'Hey I'm guilt . I'm very small but I used to be huge . So I'll play a small part.'

'And I'm just here . Hi I'm something I just practically tell you what to look like . So now we are in this state . LETS PLAY DRESS up!'

// have to cut short , cus I'm at a kids party ...
Playing dress up. Prey for me\\

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