Failed her

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Stars POV :

Idk what happend a hour ago but I literally feel like I just died . You know the moment when you rummage threw your pockets and Fine random notes on paper .

I found some.

Mine and Marcos first convo . Mine and toms . The day I wrote down how I felt all that shit .

My note about my feeling were labelled 'things I want to say but never can.'
And mostly was along the lines of I'm tired of pretending to be happy when I wanna cry .
Or that I loved Marco.

And then the first convo with him . How could I forget . We were in maths , and I asked for a pencil and legit we had a hold convo about how the pencil was great .

I was so weird.


Jackie stormed in and pinned me against the wooden wall.



'S-she did?'

'YES !?'

She let go and I fell to the floor . I gasped for a breath.

'Ugh . My hole plans are fucked!'

She walked over to a stood and burryed my arms in her leg . I decided to walk over .

'Jackie , could you tell me why you are doing this ? There has to be a reason.'

'Star the reason is because , of everything . You are so faking perfect . You have a ducking wand and I have a fuckig skate board . Your gonna be queen why I'm gonna be normal . I'm jelous !'

'Really ?'


She turns around and hits me to the ground .

'Bitch nobody loves you.'

She slammed the door and walked out .
I couldn't feel my body . I was weak .

I needed Janna to pull through for me no matter what .

Jannas POV :

'And then she said 'Oh what ever you say to anyone will affect star.''

'So I'm guessing we can't tell Marco ?'

'No tom . I don't want to hurt star anymore.'

'What are we gonna do ?'

'I don't know but there is more then one . If we take done 1 there are 2 more and who knows they could be anywhere.'

'Your scared aren't you Janna ?'

'Of course I am . My best friend is gonna die tom.'

'No she won't. She will get out of this . Maybe she ran away from Jackie . Have you trued calking her ?'

'Yes she didn't pick up..'

'Oh Janna come here.'

Tom held me tight . I felt like I had failed as a best friend . I should have been with her , checking her phone or going on it , asking her before this shit at the therapy clubs . I'm shit.

'This is not your fault Janna.'

'But I failed her.'

'If anything Marco failed her.'

'What do you mean I failed her ?'

Marco had walked in.

'Janna what's up?'

'Marco Jackie-'

I cover his mouth.
Marco looked concerned .

'What about Jackie ? Who did I fail?'

'No one.'

'Janna ?'

'Ok you failed star .'

'What how !?'

'Because here tom and I are finding out how to save star AND YOUR IN THE OTHER ROOM WAITING FOR FUCKING JACKIE TO GET HERE WITH YOUR NATCHOS!?'

'Well I'm sorry I'm hungry.'

'And your hunger is more important then your bestie who could be dead?'

'Well kinda.'


'Woah Janna calm down.'
Tom said holding my hand .

'Ugh , I'm so sorry Marco , I guess I just want Star back more then you.'

'Janna no one can more then I do , maybe the natchos will bring her back.'

'Or burrito will eat them.'

*cut to burrito with head phones eating stars bag why listening 'I will always love you'*

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