Day 17 <part 1>

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Marcos POV :

Jackie came back to jannas after a while .
She was helping so much . She took care of me why I was upset .

I should really be doing that for her .

'Hey Marco ,
Could I ask you something ?'

'Go ahead baby.'

'If you found star , what would you do ?'

'Jackie if your asking if I would kiss her I wouldn't.'

'I'm not , I'm asking what you would do.'

'Hugg her and let her cry her eyes out if she needed.'

'And I'm reading this book , and I want your opinion . So there is this person who is forcing this girl to do stuff , like commit suside . If that happened to one of us , what would you do the the guy?'

'Jackie I would Best the fucking shit out of him/her make sure they burn in hell.'

'Awww . That's sweet.'

As we Nessled down on the sofa ,
I couldn't help but feel wrong for what I'm doing , but I had to place it aside .

Jannas POV :

Tom and I were sat in a near by ice cream shop ,
I was just mixing mine.

'I don't get it tom . We know everything , why are we keeping quite?'

'To protect stars life.'

'But what if after this is all over she does it again.'

'They we will report before anything too exterrm can happen, before cutting , running away and drugs.'

'Yea , I just need to get the word out , I can't keep this to myself,'

'Well how about this , you said that you saw 20days . Day 20 we will spread the word . Deal ?'

'Deal .'

'Now let's get more ice cream and go home .'


*the next day*

Stars POV:

I woke up in pain . My neck was actually dying and the simpsons season 26 episodes were playing on repeat. I turned over to face the wooded wall which I had started to colour in last night , it was pink.

I got dressed and and sat at a chair where I restated the dvd and got some jam and bread . Boring but nice .

About 30min later I got my dare , thinking about it , it's not really a dear , more like I'm being forced , so idk what that's called.

'Dear Star

Today you must do a special delivery . Or really get something in return , now I promised someone across town something in a red bag under your pillow , he is swapping it for money , but I want both , try and get away with both. (Btw he may be a mob boss)
Bye bye


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