Day 7 <part 1>

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| before we start , I would like you to anwser these questions
1- is this book worth carrying on
2- should I lower the days to 20 not 30
3- should jantom happen ?

Stars POV :
I wake up as relaxed as ever.
After sleeping in the floor for a couple days , a bed really felt nice . What felt even nicer is the fact that I didn't have to go to school .
At 8:00 Marco came into my room. I don't know how he didn't find anything awkward , I was so aqwarded out .

'H-Hey marco.'
I said covering myself with my duvet .
'Hey star , how was your sleep ?'
'Oh good.'
He looked at me for a minuet and then got all red .

'Ok i gtg.'

He sprinted out the room . Why he was in school and Mrs Diaz was at work I planned to just pig out , cut and think life

*two notifications*

I looked at my phone , they were both from Janna , Thankyou god

- Hey star , I'm going to go away for a while with my mom , for a mother daughter trust classes thing , be safe and tom will watch you
-love you

*one notification*

How else Can I say shit , I mean I say it everytime hoping they will forever but I guess it won't happen

'Hey Hey Hey . Day 7
So let's see what we have in stock . Oh we have a option today .
1- cut open the stitches .
2- starve your self . For 3 days with the daily date still.
Please choose now.'

Ok it's kinda a thinking game
A - go back to hospital
B- just go hungry.
As I think I started fiddling with my night dress . I kinda pull it up to revel what I did last night .
On my leg was the mewni flag , it was painful to touch and look at.

'Guess I'm wearing jeans today.'

As I pull out my phone , I text back to the unknown person , or so I thought . They added 2 more people called snake and bird , must be code names .

'I made my mind up.'

'Go on'

'I'll go hungry . I have to keep my stitches in. If you ever dare me to cut , please just give me 10 days .or my leg. Also I Thankyou for not pulling Janna into this.'

'Oh darling , who says we haven't . I hope she has fun in Florida . She will be there for a while .'


'Nothing , just maybe her dad will be there.'

( about jannas dad :
Raped Janna
Dislikes everyone
Alcoholic )

'You better not'

'Oh but I better have. You broke the deal of telling no one So this is what happens , maybe you will learn.'

I call Janna repeatedly but no anwser .

'Star can you come down stairs , breakfast is readdy .'

I had a great excuse

'I can test right now , I just took some tablets I have to wait 3h.'

By tablets , I meant 'I'm gonna be on the roof smoking and looking out for peopele I know why trying to call Janna.'

'Oh ok.'

Marcos POV :
Star would be by herself today , I felt pretty good about that though. She had nothing to cut herself with . And she would be safe .

I couldn't stop thinking about how that 1 dream I had became a reality though .

As I was on the bus , I saw tom . He was by himself at the back off the bus . My friends just pointed and laughed.

'Hey guys , shut up , he is my friend.' I said standing up

'Marco where are you going?' Jackie said

'I'm gonna go sit with my friend tom.'

'I'm coming too.'

As we sat next to tom , he brought a smile

'Hey Marco , hey Jackie , how Star ?'

'Oh She is Fine . But you won't see her hear for a while .'

Jackie and tom gave me a confused look

'Why not ?' They said in unison

'She dropped out of school

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