Day 14 <part 2>

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I wake up to 10k reads . OMFG.

Stars POV:

How to describe Noah in 3 words :
Hot , blond and fit !

But not my relation ship type .

I feel so so bad ! Everyone just saw what happens with Marco , now this.

'Star ? Are you dead !?'

'No janna I'm alive just thinking.'

'About Noah or Marco.'

'Both . I mean what if I do a little want to go out with Noah , I just hurt Marco big time.'

'What if you just say that you and Noah were already dating ?'

'Then he would wonder why I let him kiss me back , hold my waist and why I never intrducide him to Noah.'


'Well he kissed me But ages ago.'

'Well you know what . I would just go for it , this dosent affect Marco in anyway what so ever.'

'I guess your right .'

'Yea But you have to be sure.'

'I-I think I am.'

I'm not . But I have to.

'Call him.'

She passes me my all readdy diled phone .

'Hello ?'

'Hi Noah it's star , the girl in the window.'

'Oh hi .'

'So Noah I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?'

'Sure , Great.'

'Great see ya soon.'

I put my phone down .

'Who you seeing soon ?'

Tom was stood at Jannas door

'Tom how did you get in ?'

Janna asked hugging him . I was a bit confused .

'Oh just seeing some guy .'

I should of just said my mom

Marcos POV :

'Oh Who is this guy ?'

'Tom your covering the speaker , I can't here anything.'

Ok I know what I was doing was wrong but I had to know what was going on. Usually when she is here I know everything . But the past 2 weeks . Nothing .

'Oh its the guy over there . We should all go out sometime.'

'If you gat in with him.'

'Shut up Janna .'

'Ok girls I just came to get my jacket . '

'You took it home last week.'

'Oh then , I'll be going.'

Tom sprinted I could here him heavy breathing.


'Tom you can take the speaker off.'


'So Star has a boyfriend.'

'Well no so far just a friend.'


'Are you cool?'


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