Can we be best friends again

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Jannas POV :


'The more I think about it the more I'm disgusted with my self . I don't know why I did it.'

'Well you was alone and you are venerable . Were you just looking for protection.'

'I-I dont know . But I don't want to be associated with him . I have made a mistake and I just want marco to hug me.'

'Why don't we invite him over?'

'And tom ?'


I gave a little laugh and then looked down .

'Janna where is burrito ?'

'In the bath'

'Ok Good I thought he died.'

'Star I may be irasponible but I can take care of a duck .'

We let go and spent about7 min about laughing About literally 1 sentence . We are so messed up.

'Ok tom and Marco are coming at 12;00 so we have about 1h to do what ever .'

'Let's go eAt our brownie.'


Marcos POV :

'Bye Jackie.'

'Bye Marco.'

As I waved good bye and tom got more food , he got a text .

'Yo dude . Janna invited us over.'

'What ?'

'Yea , I'm suprize your invited too. Oh I have another text.
Dear tom,

We have had to put you on report due to not turning up to school , we hope to see you on the 23rd of July.'

'Maybe I have one aswell'

'Highly doubt it.'

__ about a hour later__

'Ok marco you readdy?'

'Tom I'm not going into the hunger games.'

'Ok, just making sure.'

*knocking noises*

As the door opened I did get a little nervous . I know Star and I had talked about he letter but ..
Lies .
I was told friends don't lie But is it ok to keep them as a friend ?

'Marco, tom come in.'

Janna said opening the door wider

'Did you dye your hair ? It looks so cute.'

Tom said kissing her fore head . Yes they are still going out .

'Ok you guys go in the living room with star , kelly and tadd and I'll join you in a sec.'

Shit tadd was here .

'Hey guys'
Tom said walking into the room.

I turned into a child when all of there parents friends came over . A nervous wreck .

'Hey Marco , come sit down here.'

Tadd said patting the pillow .
Star looked as anxious as me . Again I know we had talked about it but STILL.
Adventually kelly noticed .

'Star do you want to talk about something.'

'No... no I'm all right . I'm just gonna have a ciggeret.'

She legit ran out the room and everyone looked at me.

'What ?'

'Oh guys it's not Marco.'
Janna said standing behind me.

'Something happend.'

I looked at Janna as she went to join tom , kelly and tadd in there convo. I slid out to talk to Star.

As I got the the window wear Star was she was just whispering something to herself

'5 more days 5more days.'

'5 more days till What ?'

'MARCO don't scare me.'

'Sorry . What's up.'

'Alot actually.'

'Wanna talk about it.'

'No not really . You can go back if you want.'

'Na I only really came to talk to you . Please tell me what's going on.'

She put out her ciggeret and lay on the bed . I sat on it.

'So I went to my friend Noah's house-'


'Not noah.w anyways we got talking and he kissed me , like non stop it kinda
Made me fell

'Oh , well your bf shouldn't make you feel that way.'

'My bf ? No he was just a friend who kissed me . Kinda like you.'

Fuck . She Remembered.

'Listen star I'm so sorry about that.'

'No it's fine I know it ment nothing.'

'Yes nothing.'

I flopped onto the bed .

'Hey Marco . What's wrong with me.'

'What do you mean ?'

'I've just been freaking out about everything.'

'So that's dosent mean there is anything wrong with you.'

'Ok let me ask you another question . Can we be best friends again ?'

Omfg she wants to be friends again.

'Sure . Why not.'

'Thankyou Marco .'

She bounced up. All exited .

'I'm so happy I could kiss you.-'

'What ?'

'I-I mean I'm just so happy.'

I stood up and hugged Star .
She hugged back.

'I Missed you Marco , I got. Ever want us to be aqward again.'

'Me eathir .'

We went back down stairs and everyone had shots laid out . This would be intresting

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