Day 16 <part 2>

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Stars POV :

Ok back to base one , but I'm not in a tent .
I'm gonna try and make this as normal as possible and not make a big deal out of this . We have been threw this more times that I can count , but at least ,
I went home .

As I sat in the shed writing every thought that piped into my head , I ended up drawing 2 pictures . 1 of me if I stayed in this shed and the other , if non of this had happend .

'Woah woah woah star ?'

'Who are you ?'

'Your mind. Your desisions , your feelings.'

'Oh didn't know I knew the way I felt recently.'

'Well you do . And I'm telling you that this situation doesn't look good in that drawing.'

I looked down at the note pad . My future just saw me , alone , in a home . That's it , no kids , no kingdom

'And you look like you have nothing going wrong in your other life , you look bubbly , and -
Oh , never mind.'

'Yea that's what I thought .'

I looked down at the other picture . It was half done . So far I had drawn , me , and what I plan my future child would look like , but next to me was a man figure with just a question mark as a face , I wanted to draw Marcos face but right now I'm to scared to even thing about that .

'Listen I'm gonna go meet with your heart but you only have 4 more hard days , go spent that $20 on food for yo self.'

'Yea , Thanks me.'

Jannas POV :

I was so fucking bored all day . Math was boring , sciance was boring and art was just messy .

Anyway Marco , tom , Jackie and I walked into my house to be greeted by burrito . But no star .

'Janna where is she ?'
Marco asked

'She should be here , help me look.'

We spent 2 h looking but nothing . Jackie how ever did nothing .

'Jackie can I talk to you ?'

'Sure Janna.'

We walked into the Landry room and I pinned her to the wall

'I'm done playing games Jackie , you know something , you know it I know it fess up !'

'Janna I know nothing.'

'Oh really ? You never liked star and ever since you had you 1 month with Marco and you got his family's numbers , Star has been acting strange .'

'Janna I have nothing to do with this , I don't even have her number.'

I let go of her.

'I don't believe you , I've got my eye on you thomas.'

As Jackie rubbed her neck tom and Marco ran in.

'What has been going on here ? Hickys ?'

'Nope. Did you find star ?'

'No , I think she ran away again .'
Marco was so panicked .

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