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Grace Xiu

I changed into a long, oversized hoodie and put my hair up in a bun. I removed all my makeup and washed my face almost 6 times.

I wish I could go to bed right now and sleep for 2 days, but even from this room, I could hear the music and stomping coming from the roof.

It was midnight and the party started once it was black outside.

"I wonder how many security guards are out there, trying to keep drunkies from jumping off the building." Ashley said with a small chuckle.

"I wonder how many cuties are there right now....taking shots off bodies......flirting......" Jasmine hummed and rested her chin on her hand. "I bet someone's getting pregnant right now."

"If you guys want, go." I smiled. "I don't want to keep you down here. Like I said, I don't want to ruin it for anybody. This is supposed to be a fun weekend."

"But we don't want to leave you bored here." Jasmine pouted.

"I won't be bored. I have a TV, right?"

Ashley and Jasmine looked at each other for moment.

"Would you really be ok if we went?" Jasmine asked.

I nodded. "Of course."

"Ok, we'll come back with some juicy gossip." Ashley stood up and gave me a hug.

"Yes, please. Anything to get my mind off what happened." I forced a laugh.

Jasmine gave me a quick hug and they both head out the door.

I sighed and brought my legs to my chest. I rested my chin on my knees and stared at the floor.

I wonder where Seokjin is. I wonder where he ran off too. I wonder why he didn't "chase" after me.

I wondered why he didn't stay. I wondered why he got all choked when I asked him what he was doing.

I shouldn't have blamed him, now that I think about it.

He didn't know. No one did. No one even suspected Minho would do something like that....

I miss him.

I really do.

I know I yelled at him and probably made him hate me, but I wish he was here to hold me.

Like how he did before.

I felt my eyes watering and tried to blink it away.

If I cry any more, my eyes will be swollen shut tomorrow.

I turned around and grabbed the phone. I called for Room Service and asked for lots of sugary goodness.

I'm going to be in this room for a long night, better make it good.

I hung up and turned on the TV. I searched around random channels and landed on something that seemed interesting....


"OH, F**K!" I cursed and almost flung my popcorn when the girl appeared behind the guy.

I was watching Flatliners. Good movie so far.

It's been almost 3 hours and I noticed the music stop from above.

The security guys probably made everyone go back to their rooms. Crazy. I thought these types of parties are supposed to last all night.

Ashley and Jasmine weren't back, though. They probably found some men and went back with them.

I stared at the TV with a handful of popcorn, watching closely as the scary music intensifies.

*Knock Knock*

I screamed out loud and threw my popcorn at the screen.

"Who-Who is it?" I panted with a hand at my heart.

"It's Namjoon."

"Come in." I said and cleaned up my area a bit.

Namjoon comes in with messed up hair, an alcoholic smell, and his shirt ripped.

What a view.

"Whoa. Went to the party?"

He nodded, rubbing his head. "Kinda wish I didn't."

"Why not?"

"Well," He sat down on the couch that was next to the bed. "It was crazy and the fact that they had it on the roof was super idiotic."

"Oh, my gosh. Did someone jump off?"

"No, no. The security guards were good on that. Although, so many people tried throwing people off and throwing litter off the roof. It was intense. They had to end it because everyone was getting too crazy. The hotel was actually about to kick all of us out."

"It is an adult party."

"But you should see the grass outside. It's probably going to turn all brown from all the beer that spilled on it." Namjoon covered a laugh.

"Geez. What? Did they have water towers of alcohol up there?"

"Tomorrow night, they're having it on the ground floor."


"Yeah...." His gaze dropped. "Um, so I came to check up on you."

"Heard what happened? Is it spreading around?"

"No, um, Jimin told me. I saw him talking to the police awhile ago and I asked about it. He also said that he's trying to get the hotel to keep quiet about it at least until the weekend is over. Talking about how he knows you don't want to ruin anything."

I smiled to myself.  "That's good."

"Yeah....Jimin really cares about you."

I brought my head up. "What?"

"He cares about you a lot. He wasn't at the party, he was most likely still talking with the police and the hotel staff. And he asked me to check up on you later because he couldn't."

"Wh-Why can't he? Not that I don't want to see you."

"Uh, he told me he was helping the hotel find some footage of what happened. That's all, though. I didn't see him at the party or anywhere. He's really working hard to get everything worked out for you. Not to forget the fact that he saved you and beat up a man to help you. He even got his ear smashed because of that."

My eyebrows raised. "His ear got smashed?"

"You didn't see? It's pretty bad. It couldn't stop bleeding and he heard ringing nonstop-"

He saw the worried look on my face.

"Oh, um, I'm sure he's completely fine now. He's a strong guy. Nothing will bring him down." He quickly assured with his hands waving around.

I nodded, turning towards the ground.

"Well, you breaking up with him brought him down. Actually, every bad thing that happened between you two broke him down. It was-"

I looked at him with a semi shocked face.

He looked back just as shocked.

"Um, what am I rambling about?" He awkwardly laughed and stood up. "You're doing alright, Grace, and that's amazing. Have a fun night and sleep well and goodnight. I'll go now."

He hurried for the door, but I called his name.

"Namjoon, one question. A-Actually two."

He looked back. "Yeah?"

"Did you see Seokjin at the party?"

"Oh, yeah! He was drinking cups after cups, he even win the most-"


"Um, next ques-question?" He scratched his head awkwardly.

I sighed. "Where can I find Jimin?"

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