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Grace Xiu

"I would kick your ass, Cathy, but you don't even have one." Jasmine cracked her fingers. "But I'm fine with kicking your face! YOU GOT A PRETTY BIG ONE!"

"Ladies. Ladies." Suho ran up to us and stood in between my friends and the ugly girls.

Behind him, I saw Seokjin and Namjoon. They looked shocked.

Seokjin had his eyes on me and he didn't look too thrilled to hear that I was "cheating on him with an ex lover".

Damn it, Cathy.

Jimin took me by the arm and tried to get me out of the center of attention.

"I don't know why you would want to get back with him anyways." Cathy's big mouth continued to talk sh*t.

We both stopped in our tracks.

I turned around, but Jimin was still frozen with his head the other way.

"He only wants attention, Grace. He doesn't want your heart!" She shouted at us, ignoring the death glare from Jasmine and Ashley.

Jasmine was about to slam her hand inside her mouth, but I gave her a look to stop her, so I could hear what Cathy was about to say.

"He has thrown so much dirt on your name and you still like him? You think running around every party in LA is going to make you forget that? Or the media? What are you doing to him, Grace?" She went on, almost like she was "trying to help me".

I shook my head at her, almost not understanding where she was coming from.

"What are you doing to him, Grace?" She asked once more, her voice quiet and dramatic.


Jimin tugged on my arm with more force, pulling me away from Cathy and the crowd forming.

He brought me to Seokjin and made me stand in front of him.

"Jimin, don't listen to her-"

"I just want to clarify that Grace was not doing anything. She was just thanking me for saving her." Jimin said to Seokjin.

His voice was deeper. Stiffer. Forced.

He backed away from us. "I'll be going now."

He stepped out of the hall, leaving the party and me.

Shaking his head.

I wanted to call after him, but I could feel Seokjin staring at me, waiting for me to answer him.

I turned back to Seokjin. "Please don't be mad, baby. I really was just thanking him. He saved me from something huge. And I-I couldn't tell them!"

Seokjin pulled me into a hug and had his hand on my head. He held me close to him as he kissed my hair multiple times.

"I'm not angry, baby." He whispered. "I'm just worried."


"Stop talking!" I bursted at her, losing my chill.

"That's it." Jasmine threw her bag on the floor. "MY MAMA'S NOT HERE! I'M ABOUT TO BRING YOU TO HELL!"

Without a second wasted, Jasmine launched herself at Cathy and brought her to the floor with no struggle.

Jasmine, out of nowhere, pulled out chopsticks from her pocket and held them above Cathy's head. She really was about to stab her eyes out.

Suho ran in on time and grabbed the chopsticks.

People say Jasmine is all talk because they haven't seen her fight.....they're wrong.

I gasped as I watched them pull at each others hair.

"Pulling hair?" Jasmine chuckled as she smacked Cathy's hand away from her head. "I'm not in highschool. Fight like a grownup, you branch!"

I wanted to come in and stop them, but I couldn't bring myself too.

Cathy deserved it.

And so did Jasmine.

She hated Cathy for the longest time and she's probably letting all that out right now.

Jasmine stood up and held Cathy by the neck.

"You better watch yourself at the hotel. And you better learn to NOT MESS WITH MY GIRL EVER AGAIN!" She barked in her face.

Cathy threw a punch at Jasmine, but she didn't flinch.

"Damn, she's the real beast when her wall is broken." Ashley commented quietly as she stood by me.

I nodded. "I'm proud."

We watched the fight as if it was some casual football game.

Lucy and Hannah tried to pull Cathy away from Jasmine, but she wouldn't give up.

Cathy isn't going back to her hotel room. She's going to the emergency room.

I was about to step in and deal with Cathy's friends, but Ashley kept me back with a hand.

"I'll handle it. You go find Jimin." She said, eyeing me and the door.


"Just go. I'll deal with Seokjin too." She urged and pushed me away.


Ashley WANTING me to go to Jimin?

I backed up and looked towards Seokjin.

"Where are you off to?" He asked.

"I'm goi-"

"She's getting something in her room." Ashley spoke for me. "She has to hurry too."

I nodded, going along with it, and ran out.

As I was running through the lobby, I can hear and feel Ashley's wrath from here.

They're going to regret EVER being Cathy's friends.

Before I stepped into the elevator, I remembered.

Jimin wouldn't be in his room. He wouldn't be on the roof either, the moon's not out.

I remember he would tell me that if he ever felt sad, he would go somewhere beautiful and calming, so he would lose all that sadness.

Sometimes it works.

Sometimes it doesn't.

Where in this hotel is beautiful and calming?

Every where! This hotel is amazing!

I went to the front desk.

"Yes, ma'am, how may I help you?" The front lady asked.

"Where might one go if you're feeling....stressed?" I asked.

"We have a variety of places. A calming massage would do wonders. Our famous Swedish Massages is recommended. We have a jacuzzi on the 5th floor with a gym right next to it." The lady laid out brochures in front of me. "But if nature is more of your style, we have a gorgeously carved garden right behind the hotel-"

"Yes, a garden!" I gasped with excitement.

"A carriage ride is also provided as a part of the tour around the garden. The garden is really big. Shall I book one?"

"Yes, yes, yes. Thank you." I let out, not really paying attention, and sprinted out.

I left the building and found the entrance of the garden.

Of course Jimin's here.

This place is absolutely breathtaking.

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