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Jimin Park

Jasmine opened the door leading to Grace's room and once I stepped in, a cold breeze made my body shiver.

It was empty.

Everything was swept clean.

It was like Grace moved out months ago.

There were a few cardboard boxes placed around, but that was it.

Jasmine closes the door and walks past me.

"When, uh, when did you guys pack the house?" I swallowed a lump in my throat.

"Right when she got out of the hospital a week and a half ago. We packed ourselves and we're having movers take it all out. We're going to be gone-"

I turned around and stared at the bare floor.

I cannot believe she left.

She actually left.

"So, there was a box with your name on it." Jasmine clears her throat. "I saw it somewhere in here. I think it was in her closet."

I watched as Jasmine entered Grace's walk-in closet and searched around.

What would she want to give me?

Did she know I was coming?

"Here it is."

My heart speeds up.

Jasmine stands up and hands me a black, cubed box. It was pretty small, but big enough for me to have to use two hands to hold.

I stared at the box and TRIED AGAIN to hold back the tears that were pushing their way out of my eyes.

Grace made this...

Her hands were on this.

"I remember walking in on her making that. I asked her what it was and she said that it was a gift for Jimin. I asked her why she wanted to give you a gift and she said that you deserve something before she left."

I deserve this?

It must be full of blame and hatred.

I didn't look anywhere else, but the gift in my hands...made by someone so special and important to me.

Someone who is out of my life now.

Because she's gone.

Because I let her go....

"I don't know what's inside, though. She kept it a secret and wouldn't tell us much about it. We actually didn't know if you were going to show up or not and Ashley suggested that we give it to Namjoon to give it to you..." Jasmine paused, then let out a soft sigh. "But it was Grace's idea to leave it here."

I looked up, pretty sure my eyes were glossy.

"She knew I was going to come back?" I asked with a small voice crack.

She shrugged. "Guess so."

My heart ached and ached as I picture Grace making this for me, thinking about me, waiting for me...then I felt my heart break down.

I turned to Jasmine again. "Was she waiting for me?"


"Grace...was she waiting for me to visit her? In the...In the hospital?"

Jasmine's eyes awkwardly left mine and went to the right. "She always asked."

I frowned.

"She would always ask if we've seen you around or have we talked to you at all. She also talked to Ash and I about how she knew you weren't going to visit, but she really wished you did."

Pieces of my heart were lost at those words.

"It wasn't just in the hospital. She asked once while we were packing too."

She waited for me...and I didn't go.

I didn't check up on her.

I didn't save her.

I was too engulfed in my own guilt and sorrow, I ignored the feelings of love and confidence.

That I had for her.

I was selfish!

I worried about myself!

I am complete f**king sh*t!

Jasmine places a hand on my arm. "I know you're hurting Jimin...we all are. But, when we're at the bottom of our lives, the only thing we can do is get back up. The regret you have only shows how much you love her-"


A very drenched Namjoon bursts through the door and tumbles in, lightly splashing us with water.

"Namjoon! What the hell! You're getting water everywhere-"

"Jimin," Namjoon wheezed and tried to get back up while catching his breath. "I knew....I knew you would be here. You...you...."

"U-Uh, yeah. Don't you have an umbrella?" I eyed him.

"I was trying to find you because you just totally hung up on me when I was trying to tell you about Grace mo-moving. I came here as fast as I could, but my car broke down a few blocks away and I had to run....run all the way here to get you-"

"Wait, dude, why are you in a rush? You look like you were running from a vicious dog." Jasmine crosses her arms.

"Ashley, I-I saw her outside talking to the moving guys." Namjoon wheezes again. "Jimin...you need to get out of here."


"Oh, sh*t. Yeah, Jimin, we need to get you past Ashley. She cannot see you!" Jasmine pushes me out the door.

"Wait, why?"

"I am ok with you, but Ashley has been ready to swing your ass to space ever since she heard about what you did. So, if you want to live and have all your body parts, you better keep her away from you."


Jasmine distracted Ashley while Namjoon snuck me out the back of the house.

It was still pouring out and my umbrella wasn't helping that much, so I held the box tightly against my chest, protecting it from the rain.

"Could you bring me to my broken car?" Namjoon whispers.


We ran through the rain and entered my car. He showed me the way and I dropped him off.

"Here, Namjoon." I hand him my umbrella. "Use it."

"Thanks, man."

Before I could step on the gas, Namjoon knocks on my window.

I roll down the window and he leans forward.

"You're not hated by everyone, Jimin. Remember that. You're also never alone." He flashed a smile.

I turned away and looked down with a small smile.

"I'll try." I responded with a nod. "Thanks, bro."

"My pleasure. See you later."

I nod again.

He backs up and I roll up the window.

I drive away and just as I was about to leave the neighborhood, I stopped and turned the car around.

I drive all the way back to Grace's house and took one last look....

"I'll come back." I mumbled and drove away.

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