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Grace Xiu

"Don't let him woo you, Grace. Remember, he was exactly like that to you in the beginning of your relationship." Jasmine advised, shaking her head. "He fooled us all."

My gaze lowered, feeling some disappointment in me.

She was right, though. He was like that in the beginning of our relationship. He was sweet, kind, caring. All that and that's why I fell harder and harder for him.

He really did fool us.

Is he trying to fool us again?


The tour went on as usual.

Looking at pretty flowers, looking at big statues, listening to heartwarming back stories, watching butterflies and bugs fly around.

"Look how beautiful these flowers are." Namjoon commented while closely staring at each petal. "Just think, this amazingly grown flower started as a small, tiny seed that looked nothing like this..."

"He's so pretty." Ashley snorted.

I was furthest from where the flowers were, so I couldn't really see what they were raving about.

"Could I get off to see them?" I asked Levi.

"I would let, but we running out of time. We have to move on." He said.

I sighed. "Alright."

"Photosynthesis. A beautiful process with such natural things. Just like humans, flowers need many things to grow up. They all need similiar things, but they grow up to be so different. Just like us. Levi, who created photosynthesis?" Namjoon turned to Levi.

"Oh, how would I know such thing?" Levi scoffed.

"Here, Grace."

I turned around and saw Jimin smiling up at me.


"Shhhh." He held a finger to his lips.

He held up a flower and handed it to me.

"Awh, this is beautiful." I quietly gasped.

"They were the flowers over there. I thought I'd give you something to pay you back for making me feel better earlier." He smiled brighter. "I wanted you to see them."

"Awh, you don't have to repay me." I reached down and ruffled his wet hair like he was small puppy. "Um, are you allowed to pick flowers?"

He shrugged, making me giggle.

"Alright. Let's move on." Levi announced and the horse started moving.

"I'll catch up with you later." I waved to Jimin.


I took a shower and changed into different clothes. I redid my face and hair and met up with the rest downstairs.



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