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Namjoon Kim

I drove as fast as I legally could to get to Jimin's house.

I was getting worried.

I was afraid.

Anything could've happened.

Suicide is contagious.

Jimin is a close friend of mine and overall, not a bad person (in my opinion), and I really can't wrap my head around the fact that he was the one that caused Grace to do what she did.

How, though?

He seemed to genuinely in love and so ready to love Grace and he just pulls something like this?

I don't understand.

As much as I want be kind and understanding with him, Grace is still a friend of mine and close with my wife too, I cannot be soft with him.

At this stage, he doesn't deserve kindness....just yet.

I park in front of his home and almost broke my car door as I tried to get out.

I knock on his front door many times.

"Jimin! Open up! It's me, Namjoon!" I yelled and continued knocking. "Please, open, Jimin! Bud, I just want to talk!"

I pause for a few minutes after hearing something on the other side of the door.

The door opens, revealing a very stressed and torn Jimin.

He wore sweats and a white tee. His hair was messy (not in a attractive way), it was like he kept running his hands through it and kept tugging at it. His eyes has never been more puffy, his skin has never looked so pale and lost of color.

He didn't look happy.

I held back any questions regarding his look and cleared my throat.

"We need to talk." I said. "Now."

He looks at me, both with almost no emotion, yet with so much emotion.

He nods and lets me inside.

I walk in and he leads me to his kitchen table. I sit down on one side and he sits across from me.

"You heard the news?" I quietly asked.

Obviously, he did! Come on, Namjoon!

This is what I get for trying to be dramatic.

He looked down, then up towards his TV, which was visible from where we were at.

"Saw it on the news." He presses his lips together. "Couldn't believe it at first, but...it hit me hard."

His voice was so raw and raspy.

"You caused it." I bluntly say.

He rubbed his face in distress. "I know."

"Tell me what you did." I state. "Everything."

He couldn't look at me in the face. I knew he felt so guilty and humiliated just to be put in a spot like this. I knew he hated himself. I knew he felt so conflicted in his mind and heart right now.

I knew he's sitting in a pool of regret and it's drowning him as we speak.

"I, uh," He swallowed. "Sh-She found me at the store and went up to talk to me. I was being cold towards her and yet...she said it made her really happy that she found me and that she was having a bad day-"

He choked.

Tears were now running down his pale cheeks as he shook his head.

I stayed still with my hands together.

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