Verbal Diarrhea

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A/N: I'm the title boss.

The door being slammed loudly was all that was heard. He didn't even have the time to stop the little dark brunet before he stormed out. But what he did was stupid, and he admitted it.

It went kind of like this...

*7 minutes ago*

"Hey, Alex, can you pass me the remote?"

"John... You're literally in front of it."

"Please? "

"No Laurens, stop being a lazy-ass, I've got to finish this. "

As always, Alexander was stuck on his laptop, doing some assignments that were probably due for the next two weeks.

"Just a second, Alex, please! " He sighed dramatically.


"Oh, but if it was Jefferson!"

John regretted his words immediately. The small Caribbean looked at him with a hurt gaze. He knew how delicate that topic was. He knew Jefferson and Alexander had a fight and that was the poor excuse Thomas used to cheat on him and break up their relationship.

The hazel-eyed stood up, took his laptop and went out of the room, slamming the door.


Now John was alone in their dorm and guilt was hammering his mind. He was an idiot and he wanted to punch himself and hit his head against a wall until his stupidity was gone.

"Awesome Laurens, you just hurt one of your best friends feelings, and oh!, he's also the guy you like. You're doing great! " He told himself out loud sarcastically "Just because of a stupid remote" He growled. His gaze landed on the artifact and picked it up furiously.

He thought about throwing it against the wall, but he remembered that it was dorm property and if he broke it, he was going to pay for it. Literally. So he just tossed in the couch. He pulled his hair out of his face with frustration.

John grabbed a jacket and went out of the dorm. Night was cold and the only thing that was recently open on campus was a Late Café that closed at 12. He looked down at his watch. It was 10:46. Great, maybe Alex was there.

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