In which everything goes to hell, but then things get better.

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A/n: First of all, I wanna thank you so much for the almost 800 reads, you deserve the world guys <3.

Here's what I promised, hope you like it.

Also, remember I was the title boss? Ye, I keep killin' it.

Alex's P. O. V

"So?" I crossed my arms looking at John.

"So what? " He looked back at me with a bored tone, rolling his eyes.

"Aren't you planning on apologizing?"
"Why would I? He started it." He shrugged, taking his attention back to his cup of coffee.

"John Laurens, the dude didn't do anything!" I took the object of his hand and threw it to the trash besides us.

"I was...drinking that. " He frowned, annoyed. "And if touching your ass ain't something, I think you really have a wrong concept of good and bad." He crossed his arms. His tone sounded angry.

"It was an accident, goddammit!" I growled.

"Well, so by 'accident'-" He air quoted. "His head landed on the cafeteria's trash. " He smiled cynically, turning serious immediately.

"Agh! You're impossible! " I yelled with frustration. "I don't get his can I be boyfriends with a reckless idiot like you! " I walked near him, still talking loud and angry.

"Oh yeah?" He chuckled humorlessly. "Well I don't understand how I am boyfriend with a whore that likes getting his butt grabbed by other dudes!" He screams in my face.

"How did you fucking call me?" I hissed, clenching my teeth.

"What you heard, babygirl. " He teased.

Then my fist landed hardly on his face. Hitting right in his lip. His face turned along with the punch and when he looked back at me, his lower lip was bleeding slowly. He looked at me with fire in the eyes. He raised his hand and I shut my eyes, expecting the impact. I felt a harsh pulling as he took mi out of his way to walk to the door.

"Fuck you. " He spat on the floor, leaving a bloody stain. He opened the dorm's door and went out, slamming it behind him.

John's P. O. V

I walked through the halls quickly. I needed air. I pulled my hair back with frustration. The back side of my hand brushes against my lip, taking along blood with it. Great. I should wash my face before I ruin my clothes.

Already ruined my relationship.

As I walked to the restrooms, Peggy approached me. Her smile fell down as he noticed the state of my face.

"What the hell, John?" She grabbed my shoulders concerned, looking straight in my face.

"It's nothing. " I tried to loosen the grip, but she held me harder, trying to find my stare.

"John! What the fuck happened? " I looked at her as my eyes started itching with tears that wanted to fall. "John? " She asked, more calmly.

"Just... " I sighed erratically, containing my emotions. "Alex and I kind of argued and I think- I think it's over. " I shrugged.

"What? " Her tone sounded surprised and she looked clueless.

I shook my head and rushed to the bathroom. When I made it there, I looked at myself in the mirror.

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