Fun Size Demon

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A/n: This actually made me laugh while writing.

Request byPowerDream4You




Alexander grabbed his towel and wrapped it around his waist.

There was no one at the room since John was downstairs making breakfast. He liked staying at John's house cause he always cooked, and cooked very good.

A good shower and a lazy weekend, what more can a 17 year old bisexual Caribbean orphan boy with a crush on his best friend can ask for?

His hair was still wet, but he didn't bring another towel so he had to go grab one from the shelf. As he stepped out of the bathroom, something on the wall caught his eye.

"What's-" His eyes widened with realizations. "Oh my god..."

Alex ran to the door and leaned on the stairway bench. "John!!!"


"Come upstairs, hurry!"

"Kinda busy right now!" Alex swore he could see the eyeroll in those words. "What is it?!"

"Just fucking come upstairs, will ya?! There's a huge ass monster in here!"

He heard shifting and footsteps. Then John was in front of him, he entered the room.

"The neighbors cat got in from the window aga-Oh fuck!"

John came rushing back a where Alex was.

"That shit is huge!"

"I fucking know!" Alex cried. "Kill it."

"Excuse me?" John scoffed. "Nu-uh."

"Please, you're taller than me, it'll be easier for you to reach there."

"Alex, it's not that up far, you just-"

"Just go!" The shorter man pushed him inside the bedroom again.

"Okay, okay, okay, wait!" John said. Returning. "Why can't we just get the bug killing spray and we don't have to go that near."

Alex thought for a moment. "There's no spray left."

John frowned. "How do you know that?"

"We were playing with it and a lighter last week, remember?"

"Fuck... "

John sighed. Took off his slipper and walked in again. Alex went behind him slowly. You know for "moral support".

" Okay..."John mumbled approaching the wall. "It's just a cockroach. A small little animal that's more afraid of me than I am afraid of i- OH SHIT IT MOVED!!"

John walked back quickly, Alex slapped his arm.

"Asshole, I almost peed myself!"

"Sorry, sorry." He said, rubbing the area. He sighed. "Alright." He looked forward and started walking.

The thing had moved about two five inches further up.

"Fuck, I can't reach it there." He mumbled.

"Maybe get on the chair." Alex suggested, point in at it.

"It has wheels."

"I'll hold if for you."


So Alex did. As he held the chair, John climbed on it and extended his arm.

"Just a little more... Please don't move Alex, it might-"



John fell from the chair, him and and Alex tried ridiculously to escape form the room as they rolled on the floor aimlessly, too panicked to even look at the cockroach's direction .

Which, casually, just flew out of the same window from where it got in.

Once out of the room, both boys -still on the floor- breathed heavily. Both where too overwhelmed to say anything about the fact that John was shirtless and towering over Alex.

"Your okay?" Alex asked.

"Uhm, yeah, you?"

"Yes." He nodded and looked at the wall, then to the opened window. "I think it's gone."

John nodded and looked at Alex with a mixture of what seemed like embarrassment and mischief.

"Umm, Alex?"


Then John just pointed at the towel tossed in some corner of the room. Alex's face went deep red.



Love you!

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