My way (1/?)

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One punch.

Two punches.

Another two punches.

Countless punches landed on the shiny leather sandbag. Each one harder than the other.

It was understandable though. John was very pissed. He really didn't know why. But he was.

Maybe it was because she had no idea on how to tell his best friend that he liked him. He was a coward. That made him angry.

A stronger punch was thrown making the bag whip back and forth.

He sighed deeply, recompossing. He grabbed his towel and eliminated all the sweat from his face. He fixed a string of wrapping cloth from around his knuckles and drank some water. He then took another sigh.

The gym was empty at this hour. At least he could relax with this. He's always liked this. The way it felt. The way his muscles sting after a good workout session.

He's been doing this for a while now. Almost a year ago. This was his way of dealing with things. He wasn't a violent person, on the contrary. But he just felt all his extra energy should be taken away hard and fast.

In hard fast punches.

He stood up in front of the bag once again.

Left. Right. Left. Right. Down. Hook. Left. Left. Right.

This was his way.


"Okay." Alex giggled on the phone. John's stare burning over him. He was sitting on the couch in front, patiently waiting for his friend to finish his call. "Yes you have" Alex nodded, biting his lip as a slight blush appeared on his cheeks. "It was fun"

John made a disgusted face as he shook his head. "Ew" He mumbled looking at his friend, who just rolled his eyes. 

"I'll call you later. Love you, bye!" He made a kissy noise and hung up. "Take that 'i hate my life' face off, John, you're gonna get wrinkles. " The smallest boy laughed booping his nose.

It was John's turn to roll his eyes now. Was he jealous? Of course he was. And he never cared to hide it. But also never grew the balls to admit it.

"You give me diabetes. "

"You are just jealous. " He teased, sticking out his tongue.

He was.

"I'm not fucking jealous, you're just so corny, he doesn't even deserves that. " John snorted.

"We are not going to talk about this, Laurens, I thought we've forgot about that topic already. " Alex's tone was serious and he sighed sitting next to his best friend on the couch.

"Maybe you did, but I haven't forgotten. " The green-eyed deadpanned. "I just don't understand why you forgave him. "

The rage and the sadness was coming out from his pores as little flashbacks came to his mind.

Alex bleeding.

Alex with nasty purple bruises all over his delicate body.

Alex with a broken lip.

Alex crying his heart out.

Jefferson apologizing on the porch of John's apartment.

Alex forgiving him.

Them kissing in front of his eyes.

Apparently the younger boy was saying something, but John's mind was blurry with anger. And jealousy.

And sadness. So much sadness.

"...And you have to understand that I love him, and I know that he loves me. " Was the only thing he could hear.

He wanted to puke. No.

He wanted to punch. He had to go to his special place. Where he could imagine Thomas's face on the bag and punch it until his arm fell off.

"See you later, Alex. " He stood up and rushed to the door.

"John, where are you..-" But he already had stormed out of his friend's place.

He needed to take this out his own way. That was the only way he knew.


Hey! It's me. Sorry, school it's a bitch.

This is a little something that I'm gonna divide in a few parts. Not very sure how many, but yeah

So anyways!  I'm have almost 150 reads and I wanted to thank you guys for stopping by and wanting to know what's up with this. You're the best. <3

Remember that you're very fucking lovely, forever and always.


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