In The Closet

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A/N: Did I just used a Michael Jackson's song to name this shotYes. Yes I did.

John's P. O. V

"Can you go buy me a coffee, Jacky?" Alex looked up at me.

We were laying on the bad watching some random show. He was between my legs as I was half sitting, playing with his wet hair. We had a shower a while ago.

I chucked. "Why don't you make one on the coffee maker, babe?" I looked at him, still stroking his hair.

"Because, duh. " He rolled his eyes.

"Are you serious? " I frowned.

"Please?" He pouted, making puppy eyes.

"You're lucky that I love you, Hamilton. " I shook my head, recompossing to stand up.

"Thank you!" He pecked my lips. " I love you too, Laurens. " He giggled.

"Yeah, yeah... " I rolled my eyes and grabbed the keys. "I'll be right back, princess. Don't miss me. " I joked.

" I'll try. " He said on the same tone.

I went downstairs and got out of the house. I walked a few blocks until I made it to the small cafeteria. The barista took my order and I waited patiently in a table near the window. I noticed a few people looking at me. But it wasn't for my wet hair or my baggy clothing.

It was because my hoodie was colorful and it had the words "GAY AF" printed over it. I couldn't care less. as I waited I decided to text Alex.

To: Bbg Lexi💖

Aye baby

He didn't answer, so I assumed he was still watching TV. I started drumming on the table and 10 minutes later I hear my name. I took the drinks and a chocolate chip cupcake that I deserved.

I'm the best boyfriend ever. Sue me.

The walk back home felt shorter as I enjoyed my treat. I got to the apartment and went upstairs.

Just when I was about to open the bedroom door, I hear Alex talking.

"He's here, I should hide you" I frowned with confusion. I left the drinks over a small table beside the stairway.

I pressed my ear against the door and kept silent.

"No! Stop biting me!" He hissed. I looked at the door arching an eyebrow. Suddenly a small thud can be heard and Alex cries. "Ah!".

I immediately open the door, as my boyfriend closed violently the closest.

"Love! " Alex smiled nervously.

"Alex..  " I looked at him.  "What's going on? " I walked slowly towards him.

"Going on? There's nothing going on. What makes you think there's something going on? " He gestured with his hand, leaning against vote closet door.

"Alexander Hamilton, what the hell are you hiding?"

Just the mere idea of what could be behind that door, made my stomach shrink.

"Hiding? I'm not hiding anything, baby. Pfffffff, whaaaaaaaat?" He laughed nervously, placing a strand of hair behind his ear.

"Move." I demanded, reaching to open the door.

He swatted my hand away. "What? No. " He shook his head.

"Alexander, open that goddamn door or-"

"Don't call me that. " He crossed his arms frowning.

"Huh? "

" 'Alexander', don't call me that.'' His nose wrinkled.

"What? That's your name." I rolled my eyes.

"No. My name is 'babe', 'princess', 'love', 'Lex', 'Lexi', 'Alex', 'babydoll'. I'm only 'Alexander' when you're mad at me. " He explained. His tone was anxious and desperate.

"No shit, Sherlock. Then you should know I am. " I smiled sarcastically.

"I'm not letting you open this door. "

Fine. Let's do this the hard way.

I grabbed him by his waist and threw him over my shoulder.

"No! John! Put me down! What is wrong with you?!" He started kicking and hitting my back.

I grabbed his legs and bit down on one of his thighs.

"What the fuck?! That hurts!" I ignored his whining and opened the closet.

My breathing stopped. My heart pressed against my chest and my eyes started tearing up. I let go of Alex and kept my gaze to that one spot inside the closet.

"John? " He murmured.

"You... " I looked at him and then back to the spot.

"You weren't supposed to find out. " His face went bright red and he started playing with his fingers.

"You just..." I pressed a hand over my mouth trying to hold back a gasp. "This is... "

"Are you alright? " He looked concerned.

"Alright? " I looked back at him, cupped his cheeks and kissed him fondly. "I'm great!" I laughed,  peppering kisses all over his face. He giggled. "I mean, God! Princess, this is beautiful. " I looked at the small creature inside the tank. I took it carefully in my hand. "It's a baby turtle! " I exclaimed, looking at it with adoration.

"Yeah well, " He looked at me with a half smile. "It was my gift for our third anniversary next week. But I think it's not a surprise anymore. " He giggled, finishing with a sigh.

I grabbed him by the waist with my free hand, kissing his nose, then his lips. "You're awesome, babe. " He buried his face on my chest mumbling something. "Come again? " I chucked.

He looked up at me, pouting. "Don't call me Alexander, please. You scared the crap out of me. I really thought you were upset. " He whined. I chucked once more.

"Drama queen. " I mocked. He took the little turtle from my hand, placing it inside the tank.

He wrapped his arms around my neck, then quickly jumped and wrapped his legs around my hips.

I threw us on the bed, he was over me, kissing all my face, I closed my eyes, enjoying.

"Jacky... " He whispered.

"Yes, doll? " I looked at him, stroking his hair.

"I think our neighbors forgot your name. " He kissed my jaw, slowly.

''Oh, yeah?" I growled, squeezing his thighs from behind. "Let's remind them. "


I can't believe this book has almost 100 reads....

You guys are the fucking best!  :'3

Remember that you're lovely, always <3


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