Cute Guy

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Alex's P. O. V

"Seriously, mon ami, you should stop." Lafayette giggled, waving a hand in front of my face, taking me out of my trance.

"Uh? What are you talking about? I haven't done anything. " I mumbled, looking down. I could feel my face flustered.

"Sure, " Hercules chuckled, placing and empty bottle over the lunch tray "You were definitely not drooling while looking at John Lauren's table and his group of football brainless jock friends." Lafayette giggled once more.

I rolled my eyes. "They're not brainless" the bandana dude arched an eyebrow at me. "Well, at least, he is not. He's got one of the best grades in all of the classes we share. " I tried to sound casual as I shrugged.

I was actually fangirling over the fact that we had some classes in common.

"Then, he's got the wrong group of buddies. " Hercules stated, winking at me sarcastically.

Laf nodded. "Oui " He glanced at the table they were sitting for a few seconds. I did the same.

John was laughing over something, his tender green eyes were almost closing as he pushed one of his friends slightly. He looked so amazingly bright.

"We have the same schedule in French. He pronounces well. " Laf finished.

I chuckled. "I still don't get why you take French. " Hercules joined my laughing.

"It's not like I desired it, mon ami, " He shrugged "I had to choose a foreign language for extra points, I wasn't going to get Italian, mon Dieu! It's so weird. " He shooked his head. "Also, " He smirked "Easy straight A's."

"The point is that our little Alex should get some shame on himself and stop publicly drooling and daydreaming about pretty face Laurens. " Hercules said playfully and stood up to toss his trash.

I sighed a little annoyed and bit my lip nervously. Lafayette snorted and the bell rang. We both rolled our eyes.

"I hate chemistry... " He murmured and stood up, taking his purse. "Alex, dear, see you later. " he sighed dramatically, approaching Hercules on his way.

The taller followed him outside the cafeteria, not before he waved goodbye at me, smiling. I grabbed my bag, standing up. I had social studies now.

Ew, people.

I decided to walk through the back hall to get there faster. Sadly, as I walked, I forgot that I had to pass right across that one table where my freckled crush was. I walked a little when I noticed they all got up from their seats. They were walking a few feet behind of me. My nervousness appeared and my pulse got fast as I heard his voice.

"No way, Seabury, that was the most stupid thing you've ever said!" He was laughing, apparently to one of his friends. Samuel Seabury, if I'm right.

I almost ran until I made it to my locker's hall. That was the fastest I've ever walked to get to a class. This hall was almost empty and all that could be heard was steps from the students getting to their classes.

I rested my forehead over my locker, breathing deeply, trying to recompose myself.

"Are you feelin' alright? " I jumped in my place and faced the person that just tapped my shoulder.

John fucking Laurens was standing in front of me with a concerned look in his face.

"M-me? I-uh, y-yeah" I nodded fast. Oh my God, his eyes. "I was j-just leaving"
I grabbed my book bag and tried to start walking. His hand stopped me, grabbing me by my forearm. I sighed erratically.

"You don't seem good, you're all red. You sure you don't have a fever?" I was about to answer when the back of his hand rested on my forehead. He frowned. "You're not hot. "

Oh well, thanks.

Why the hell was he caring so much?! His face turned a light pink and he retired his hand almost immediately.

"Sorry, " He scratched the back of his neck. "If I made you uncomfortable. "

Oh geez, I said that out loud. Great, Alexander.

"No! No. " I practically yelled. "It's not that, it's just, y-you don't know me and-''

" I do know you! You're Alexander Hamilton, the cute boy from-" He stopped himself, realizing what he just said. His freckles stood out when his face turned slightly red. So did mine. "I-I mean, not that you are, I mean, you totally are, but like, uh s-sorry. " He once again scratched behind his neck. I think he does that when he's embarrassed.

Or allergies.

I kept quiet, looking at the floor with my face heated. John Laurens thinks I'm cute. Damn.

"Don't apologize" I smiled slightly, looking up at him. "It's very kind that you care about others, " then I paused before I decided to say it. "And you're very cute too."

His eyes opened with surprise, and he giggled. "Uh, thank you" He rocked himself over his feet and looked at me, a little less confidently "Would you like to grab an ice cream after school, I mean, if you're not busy or anything, or if you don't want to, it's okay, I underst-"

I chuckled. "I'd love to." I hugged myself, blushing once more.

His face light up and smiled. "Awesome" He nodded. "See you later then, Lex!"

I internally squealed at the nickname. "See you."

We both turned around and started walking. Suddenly, I got spun around and I can feel a pair of warm soft lips over my cheek.

"Bye, Lex. " John says then runs away.

I stand there, processing what just happened. My hand traveled to my cheek as a lovesick smile appeared on my lips.

I have a date with the cutest guy.
That cutest guy thinks I'm cute too.
That cutest guy just kissed my cheek.

God, Lafayette is so going to fangirl over this.


Some fluffy stuff until I decide to ruin it :D

Remember that you're lovely <3


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