My Way (3/?)

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John's P. O. V

I was not angry. No. I was not angry at all. I was just really worried. And so that leads me to get stressed, and stressed lead me to get pissed and moody. So yeah. But no, I was not angry.

I've been calling Alexander for a week now. I've been texting him, leaving voicemails and once I considered on sending a smoke signal. He was nowhere to be found.

Two days ago I went to his apartment. There was nobody there. I knew it cause I knocked until my fist hurt. And a neighbor told me that he was out. Gossip.

I was now walking back home from the gym. I had resigned to the fact that Alex really didn't want to talk to me at all. And it was killing me.

Apparently he was really in love, and Jefferson was actually behaving. It made me mad, cause I couldn't just completely believe all of that. I just could not.

I walked upstairs and as I walked through the hall, I noticed that my apartment door was slightly opened.

Oh fuck. Someone entered my house.

I started walking slowly and reached for my phone to call 911. I wasn't going to try to fight the robber, cause they're probably caring a gun. I'm stupid, but not that much.

As I walked nearer the door, I saw a body.

There was a fucking body in the middle of my entrance. Laying on the floor.

My my fucking god, someone died on my apartment. I rushed and opened the door.

It was Alex.

I kneeled beside him and turned him around. Although I really wished I didn't.

His face was a mess. He had a black eye. His lower lip was swollen and he had dry blood on his temple.

"Oh Jesus, Alexander. " My voice came out shaky and my hands we're sweaty.
He was conscious cause he was slightly growling as I tenderly moved his head over my lap.

"John... " He managed to say ah reached for my hand. "My side... It's hurting. " He whined and let out a small sob that made my heart broke.

I moved his shirt up. There was a long dark bruise on his left side. I grabbed him from behind his knees and his higher back.

I moved him from the floor to my bedroom.

"Can you sit? " I asked softly.  He nodded.

I took him to my bed and helped him sit on the edge. He winced as I let go of him. I moved away trying to make my way to the first aid kit from the bathroom.

He grabbed my wrist. I looked down at him and his eyes were glossy and his stare was desperate.

"Don't leave. Please. " His voice sounded like he was agonizing.

I removed his hand and proceeded to squeeze it carefully.

"I'm just going for the first aid kit. " I hushed. He nodded a little more calmed.

When I came back from the bathroom, we had his shirt off, and he was half laying over my bed. His breathing was erratic and his hair was freely falling everywhere.

That would've been one of the hottest and most adorable scenes I've ever seen. If it wasn't for the fact that he was half dead and all beaten up.

Beaten up.

All those flashbacks from a time ago came back once again. And my blood started to boil. I didn't need that right now. At that moment all I cared about was curing Alex.

I kneeled in front of him and called his name. He slowly stood up. His visible eye was red and wet. He had been crying. I hated seeing him this way. So broken, so vulnerable, so helpless. Because I knew it wasn't like him.

Alexander Hamilton was one of the most enthusiastic, kind and strong people you'll ever have the honor to meet. It only took an asshole like Thomas Jefferson to tear all his confidence apart, and that wasn't right. That had to change.

I took out some bandages, some alcohol and cotton balls. I cleaned up all his wounds and spreaded some pomade over his bruises. As I finished, he started stroking my hair.

I couldn't let this just escape from between my fingers.

"Who did this Alexander? " I knew the answer, I just needed to confirm my theory.

He kept silence and kept stroking my hair, ignoring my question.

"Alex... " I called once more.

"Mhm" He pulled my hair back.

"Who did this?"

"Unimportant." I shook my hand and pulled away from his touch.

"Alexander, was it Thomas?" I stood up looking at him.

He looked back at me and his eyes started tearing up once again.

"Was it Thomas? Answer me, Alexander. " I demanded breathing deeply.

He nodded. It was an almost unnoticeable move.

"That's it. " I rushed to the door. He tried to stand up and walk behind me but I stopped him. "Stay here Alexander. For your own safety. " I grabbed his face and looked him straight in his big brown eyes. "Stay here. "

"Where are you going? " He simply murmured, his face sounding as desperate as before.

"I'm going to put an end to this, and I'm going to do it the only way I can afford to right now. "

He looked confused as I walked away and went out of the bedroom. I stopped walking.

I was going to get beaten to death tonight probably, so I'm just going to do it while I can.

I ran back to the room and Alexander looked at me surprised.

"John, what are you plann-" I cut him off by smashing my lips against his. I was careful not to hurt him as we both melted on the kiss. I was surprised that he actually kissed me back, but I was enjoying it.

I pulled back and looked at him. "If I don't come back I just want you to know that I've always loved you and that you are the most wonderful person I know, Alexander Hamilton. " I pecked his lips once more and walked away.

Really going out this time. Let's see if this way works.



Miss me? Yeah well, senior year sucks, bye

Remember that you are lovely and stay safe <3

Btw, I really miss those days where I really didn't care about having friends.

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