Is He Gay Or European? (1/2)

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Ight so, this is and the next one shot are going to narrated by out lovely and rainbow-y Peggy

Peggy's P. O. V

"I don't like him!" Alex groaned, throwing himself over my bed.

"But?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"But I feel so attracted to him." He whined and yanked at his own hair with frustration.

I chuckled. "And?" I heard him sigh.

"And he's very cute." Alex sat with his legs crossed and facepalmed. "And very athletic, have you seen his biceps?"

I bitch-faced him and rolled my eyes. "Do you know what that means, Alex?"

"It..means... " I nodded and gestured him to continue. "It means he's an asshole and I don't like him!" He yelled and grabbed a pillow, then started squeezing it against him.

I shot him a poker face and held the bridge of my nose. "Alexander Hamilton, you are the most stern and stupid person I've ever met."

"Thanks a lot, makes me feel so squishy and puffy inside." He sassed at me.

"Shut up! You're not even oblivious! You know you like him, just don't want to accept it!" I walked around my room in circles, as I accused him.

"Peggs, calm down." He murmured. "Your sisters may hear-"

"Let them hear, they're probably behind that door eavesdropping anyway." I rolled my eyes.

Just when I finished saying that, we heard a dry hit against the floor and quick steps fading away. "See?"

Alex looked at me shocked. "How did you-"

"They always do that when you come over. Both of them are literally drooling over you." I said indifferently.

"They're aware that I don't like them at all, right?" He chuckled. "I mean, Angie is a total control maniac and Liza is always following her, like a shadow." He scratched the back of his neck. "I know they're your sisters but-"

"But they don't like me at all, so I don't give a fuck if you think of them like that. They've said worst things about me. In my face." I shrugged and sat next to him. "Anyways, you should really just get over the fact that you like John, even if you never tell him."

He blushed and groaned, hiding his face on the pillow he was holding. "I don't like John Laurens, he's a total jerk and probably straight."

I looked at him with a serious face, bit my lip to contain myself but I couldn't help but to burst out laughing. Even tears where forming in my eyes.

"S-sure thing." I nodded sarcastically, gasping for air. "Oh my, that was-" I wiped my tears away. "That was hilarious."

"Uh... What?" He looked at me as if I was crazy.

I am though, but he doesn't need to know.

"I mean, if you go on Google and write 'raging homosexual' you're probably going to find a picture of John's birth certificate." I giggled.

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