Is He Gay Or European? (2/2)

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A/n: I know it's later than I planned, but at least it is here.

Love you all


Peggy's P. O. V

"He said what?!" John yelled with an angry look.

"Yeah, he talked all about you being a bad player and just got the captain spot cause you're the coach's little bitch." I nodded, biting my lip.

Lying didn't feel good, but I had to be done.

Who am I trying to fool? This was the funniest thing I've ever done in my entire life!

"That son of a bitch..." He groaned. "He's just jealous that he's the second in command. Obviously can't admit I'm better than him." He spat, clenching his throat.

"Okay mister ego." John rolled his eyes at me. "That wasn't all, though." His eyes met mine quickly as he grabbed my arm. "Uh, personal space dude."

He sighed and pulled away. "What else did that Lee bitch said?"

"He said-" Okay, here starts the plan. "He said that you were a coward and that you didn't had the balls to fight him at dismissal time, behind the basketball court."

"He said that, now." John's face grew red with rage. "I'm going to beat his ass so hard his descendants are going to get bruises."

God heaven helps us all.

"Yeah, you should do that." I nodded, pointing finger guns at him. "I'll go back to class now. " He held my arm -again- and stopped me.

"Wait." He said, now with a more gentle expression. "Have you done something about...the thing?"

"Huh?" I shot him a confused look. With his eyes he pointed at nowhere specific. Or so I thought, until I turned and saw inside the cafeteria, where Alex was chatting with that one French guy. "Oh."

"Mhm." He nodded. "Have you?"

"Eh... Not really." He sighed. "But I will! I promise!" I assured him as Alex stood up, walking outside.

Oh shit, he couldn't see me talking to John.

"You said you would three days ago, are you really going to-"

"Yes!" I pulled my arm away. "I gotta go." Tiptoeing, I kissed his cheek. "See ya, try not to get your ass kicked."

"Bye." Was all I could hear before I walked away faster than I would like.

Phew. That was close.
Now to the second part of this plan.

"Alex!" I jogged to him when he turned back.

"Hey Peggy." He smiled.

I smiled back. "Hey"

We stood in silence for a moment until he cocked an eyebrow. "Do you need something or...?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah!" I grabbed him by his shoulders. "You won't believe what Thomas said."


The end of the day finally came and I stood anxiously behind the steps of the court. I had to witness this moment with my own eyes.

This day when I, Margarita Schuyler, created the best plan to unite my two gay friends. Well, Alex was bi, but anyways. This day, when my mission as a Cupid would be accomplished. This they where-

"John Laurens?"

"Alexander Hamilton?"

I turned to where the voices came. Alex and John were standing in front of each other with confused and embarrassed looks.

"What are you doing here? I'm supposed to fight Lee now." John furrowed his eyebrows.

"Excuse me? I was supposed to fight Jefferson here." Alex shook his head.

"But Peggy said... " John started.

"Peggy? Peggy Schuyler?" Alex's eyes widened.

Oh shit.


"Y-yeah... You know her?"

Alex nodded, still confused. "We're friends."

John clicked his tongue. "Oh really?"

"Yes. Do you know her?" Alex asked back.


"She's my friend too." John sighed. "She was the one who told you about Jefferson?"

Alex nodded. "She told you about Lee?"

John rolled his eyes. "Yup." Then chuckled. "We were tricked."

"Apparently." Alex suddenly blushed. D-do you know why?"

It was John's turn to blush now. "Maybe I have an idea. "

"So...?" Alex played with the end of his shirt.

Oh god, my inner shipper is hyperventilating.

"So?" John mimicked.


"Are you gay or Peggy was just trying make me feel less miserable?" Alex spat.

I choked on my own breath. God, how subtle.

John blinked astonished. "Wait, weren't you straight?"

Alex scoffed. "Yeah, a straight up bitch." John chuckled. "I'm bisexual."

He nodded. "I'm glad."

"Is that a new denomination in the community? Cause I haven't-"

"No, Alex, I mean I'm glad, cause I'm gay." John confessed.


"- I'm gay and I like you."

Alex's eyes widened. And I squealed. Yes. Out loud.

Oh fuck.

"Peggy?" Alex walked slowly in my direction.

I smiled nervously at both of them. "Hey guys, how is it going?" I punched playfully his arm.

John cocked an eyebrow.

"Anything you wanna share?"


"And that's where it all started." I  paused my speech.

Alex and John were at the end of the room, holding hands with their champagne glasses in the other.

"I always claimed they would get married, never thought Alex would survive John's attitude." The crowd laughed. "Never thought John could handle Alex's either." I chuckled for myself. "But nothing makes me happier than to know that these two men that I consider my bothers can now have a happy life as husband and husband."

Everyone clapped. I could see Alex smiling at me.

"To end, I would like to remark how admirable they are." I grabbed my glass and raised it it. "Because even with obstacles like family unaceptance-" John looked at me, smiling faintly. "Or a tragic past." I smiled at Alex. "They learned to be each other's biggest support, and to be not only boyfriends but also guides."

John and Alex raised their glass.

"Tonight, let's raise this glass to freedom!" I cheered, everyone cheered back raising their own cups. I felt tears falling down my eyes as a big smiled crawled in my face.

"A toast, to John and Alex!"


Who else feels like Peggy?

*raises hand*

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