Cycle (Pt.3)

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This is the last part. Also,
This may be be a trigger for all of you who love Elizabeth, but I'm just doing what I imagined.

Plus, there's some other ships included so if you don't like it, hold back yourself from hating on them, I used them with a purpose.


Was it so difficult to say? Like....

Was he not worthy enough of an explanation?

All he wanted was to do the things the right way, for fucks sake!

"Knock knock, I guess..." Alex said chuckling darkly.

Elizabeth practically jumped off the guy. Her face went pale. Frightened.

"A-Alex... "

"No, no." Alex raised his finger and smiled. "Save it. I know."

She looked confused. The dude behind her was beyond shocked. Alexander rolled his eyes.

"It's evident that our relationship stopped working, since we both don't feel the same way about each other and both of us also have found someone to new to be with." He said, simply and plain.

"What do you mean someone new? You've been cheating on me?" She asked him.

"Are you fucking serious?" The guy laughed. Alex chuckled, pointing at him in a "right?!" sort of way.

"Shut up, André." She growled.

"No, Elizabeth, I haven't cheated." Alex shook his head. "You clearly beat me on that."

"Then what—"

"I have feelings for somebody else and I came here to tell you and try to end our relationship the right way, but... The circumstances." He shrugged. "Now, if you could excuse me, I need to find John."

Eliza's eyes widened. "You've got feelings for John?!"

"You've got brains?!" He mocked. "See you around, Schuyler." He waved indifferently.

As Alex walked downstairs, he saw Peggy biting her lip and kinda nervous.

"Listen, I know you heard everything and—"

"I know where John is right now."

Alex was taken back, but nodded.

"Okay." He said. "Why do you wanna help me Pegs? Eliza is your sister after all.

She shook his head and smiled. "Alex, family doesn't end in blood."

"Is that a Supernatural quote?"

"Shut up and let's go."


Peggy and him walked for around ten minutes until they got to a building. It was sort of old, with some modern details, but it was intentional. Then Alex read the words graved on the concrete.

Arts and Theatre Academy.

"Are you planning on interrupting John's art class?" Alex said, grabbing Peggy's arm before she could enter the place.

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