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"He's got a smile that seems to me, reminds me of childhood memory, where everyday was fresh as bright blue sky..." the green eyed held tightly his boyfriend's waist from behind. They were standing infront of the large mirror. He hummed that one line of the song in his ear .

The shorter man smiled at the warmth of his lover's contact and words. They moved slightly from side to side, dancing to a soundless melody. He tangled their fingers over his stomach.

"Now and then when I see your face, it takes me away to that special place and if I stay too long, I'd probably break down and cry..." he continued, kissing Alex's neck quickly but sweetly.

John walked them to the edge of the bed and sat Alex on his lap. The shorter man cupped the green-eyed face, smiling as he pressed their foreheads together. His curly boyfriend stared at him with adoration. Definitely, there wasn't a more beautiful view that the small caribbean boy in front of him

His messy bun, his tired smile, his rosy cheeks and the sweater falling from one of his shoulders is just something he had to draw sometime. The tiredness in his eyes was evident. Even though they woke up almost half an hour ago and they were ready to head to their respective classes, Alexander was not cooperating with John's sense of responsibility.

"C'mon, love, we need to get to class, it's gonna be late. " The older mumbled against his neck, giving shivers down his spine.

"Let's stay." He demanded sweetly, tilting his head slightly, giving an innocent look that he knew John couldn't resist.

He tried, though.

"Child o' mine, we can't do that, " He chuckled putting a rebel hair strand behind the other's ear.

Alexander pecked one of his freckled cheeks. "Please... " then the other, "please... " then he slowly pecked his lips. "Please?" He finished this time, receiving a sided smile from his boyfriend.

"Are you trying to seduce your way out of doing your adult stuff?" He joked, stroking his back with his thumbs. Alex shrugged.

"Is it working? " He giggled. John nodded.

"Kinda." He admitted. "But that's not something a sweet child like you should do. " Jokingly he pinched his rosy cheeks.

"Perhaps I'm not so sweet as you claim, mister Laurens. "

John shook his head. "But you are. " He assured. "But you barely slept, and that probably why you're acting like suck a couch potato." Alex rolled his eyes playfully.

"More like cuddle potato. " The small boy corrected.

"My sweet cuddly potato child. " The older joked, making both of them laugh. Then Alex yawned, fluttering his eyes. "You're really sleepy, aren't you?" Alex nodded, placing his head over his chest.

"Let's make a deal." He proposed.

"Mhm? " Alex hummed from against his chest.

"You go deliver your essays and I'll send all my graphic assignments online, I'll be waiting for you in two hours at the common area and then we'll come here and cuddle and chill and sleep like the lazy ass losers we are, what'd ya think?" He explained.

Alex looks up at him, nodding happily, and moving from over him. He grabbed his arms and practical shoved their bags to John, taking them out of the dorm.

"C'mon babe, the most we take, the less time we have to cuddle later!" He exclaimed, making John laugh under his breath.

His sweet Alexander was just amazing.


This is as short as me xD.

Remember that you're lovely! <3


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