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A/n: This is a lil drabble since my coherence skills are in like 27% right now.


So John likes Alex so fuckin much

•Almost hurts, I swear

•But Alex is dating Liza, and they're like, goals

• Because of that, John always stays back and never talks about feelings

• Alex knows tho

• John confessed to him when he was drunk one day, but he couldn't remember

• Obviously Alex lied about him not doing nothing embarrassing while intoxicated, cause he's a good fren and doesn't want things to get uncomfortable

• Yes, uncomfortable

• Cause even though John's head over heels for Alex

• Alex doesn't like John that way

• Not even a small bit

• Cause he feels like it would be like liking his brother

• Heh, John's way down on the brother-zone

• But one day, Alex and Eliza have an argument

• Everyone is like "The fuck? Weren't u perfect?"

• And they take a break from each other

• And the guys (Herc, Laf, John n Alex)  are in Johnny's apartment

• And even though they are grown ass men, they decide to play truth or dare

• And when is Hercules' turn he asks Alex. Lil Hammy ain't no chicken so he picks dare

• "I dare you to kiss John for 15 seconds."

• Y'all aware John almost choked with his own saliva, ight?

• But Alex just shrugged and leaned

• John did the same, and when their lips touched, he felt like he had entered to heaven

• To John, Alex's lips were the softest, sweetest and most delicate in the whole world. He never thought that moment would happen

• But hey, like, it was just 15 secs, John, pal, chill

• "Time's up!"

•  Laf was giggling because of John's face

• "That was... "

• Alex Bitchmilton interrupted John, ya see?

• "I don't like you, John."

• The whole room was in silence. Laf stopped giggling and the air was heavy.

• John's heart teared a little more. He just chuckled, hiding the sadness in his eyes

• "I know Lex, chill, I don't like you either"


• "I was just saying, that was weird."

• Hercules and Laf looked at each other worried.

• "We should probably leave it here."

• Alex nodded. John just fidgeted with his fingers

• A week after that night, Alex and Eliza we're back together

• And John? John was alright

• At least, that's what he wrote on the texts to Laf, Hercules and Peggy

• While he cried his heart out, cause he loved and wasn't loved back


Ya feel my angst crave?

Love you, amazing pieces of beauty 💕

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