Not Platonic Enough (1/?)

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A/n: Here it is my lovely people 💕

Enjoy and thanks for staying.


"That's stupid, how can they be talking and breathing underwater?"

John rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Alex... They're cartoons." He chuckled.

"Cartoons are senseless." He scoffed. "I mean, this is what kids watch? What about books? Documentaries?"

"Kids don't like that stuff." John smiled and muted the TV. "Wanna watch something else while we wait?"

Alex shook his head. "Not really, I already got bored."

"Oh..." John smiled faintly. "What do you wanna do while we wait? They guys are like half an hour from here still." He turned the TV off and looked at Alex.

The smaller man rested his head on his friend's shoulder. "I don't even know. I have some writing ideas but I rather talk to you."

John laughed. "But you don't know what to talk about." Alex shrugged. "Well, then, tell me about your date with Elizabeth Schuyler last week, you haven't told me how did it go."

John felt Alex tense. "Uh- it was sure incredible." He sighed, not happily but disappointed.

"Incredible? Mind to explain?" John sat straight, making Alex look at him directly.

"She didn't reacted as I expected." He slowly said.

The curly haired arched an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"She rejected me John. On Valentine's Day." He looked at his best friend with a blank expression.

"Alex, I'm sorry." John scratched his temple. "Was she too rough? Why didn't you tell me before?"

Alex looked down at his hands. "I didn't want anyone to know, I was afraid you'll say I got attached too early."

"Alex, you've been hanging out for almost 5 months now, I don't think it's too early to ask her to be your girlfriend." John hugged his friends sideways. "I'm glad you told me, and just for the record, it's her loss."

Alex chuckled. "Thanks Johnny."

"No problem. " He smiled at him. "There's lots of fishes in this enormous ocean called world."

Alex smiled back. "I know."

There was a sudden silence between them as they stared at each other with slight smiles.

John quickly cleared his throat. "You hungry?"

Alex blinked several times and shook his head. "N-no"

"Well, I am." John stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Alex followed back and sat over the counter. "You literally ate 1 hour ago."

The green eyed shrugged and took a huge bite from a slice of pizza that was inside the microwave since their lunch time.

Alex wrinkled his nose and chuckled. John swallowed and smiled. "So?"

"So what?" The Caribbean boy tilted his head.

"So, you look very nice today why don't you try to catch something there at the party?" John suggested.

Something inside Alex cracked a little when he said that. He didn't want nobody else. At least no one from that party.

"Nah, I'm fine, I promise." He rolled his eyes playfully.

John walked towards him and placed himself in front of his best friend. Alex was resting his hands over the counter and his legs were crossed hanging. John's hands ended next to Alex's.

"You sure?"


"Sure, sure?"

Alex giggled. "Yes!"

"Sure for real?" John tickled his sides.

"Yeah! Stop!" Alex laughed slapping John's hands away.

"Okay, okay." John smiled and backed. He finished his pizza slice quickly and went to Alex again. "Alex, have I ever told you that I really like your hair? It's really silky and dark."

Alex bit his inner cheek and grinned. "Thanks John."

"No problem. I also really like your eyes, I mean they're like a coffee ocean. " He complimented once more getting closer.

"Th-thank you." Alex blushed slightly. "Your eyes are pretty too."

"Thanks. Oh! Have I ever told you how much I like your waist? I mean, look at it!" He said grabbing both sides of Alex.

The smaller jumped in his place. "John!"

"What?" He smirked looking up at his friend.

"Stop, please?" He said, now his face completely hot.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Am I talking too much? Sometimes I get overexcited." He tauntingly said.

"Are you quoting my favorite musical?" Alex arched an eyebrow, when John stepped back.

"Damn right I am." He pointed finger guns at him.

Alex chuckled. "You're a real character, Laurens."

"Anything to make you smile, Lex." John quickly kissed Alex's cheek, when the door swung open.

"Hey motherfuckers!" Hercules sprinted inside as Lafayette walked calmly behind him.

"Hey guys!" Alex quickly went off the counter and walked to his friends. "We're going now right?" He walked past them getting outside.

Laf looked at John. "Did you kiss him yet?"

John shook his head. "I was going to."

"But?" Hercules cocked an eyebrow.

"But I decided not today." He shrugged. "Let's get going!" He patted his friends' backs, getting out too.

"I swear, I'm going to crash their faces together." Hercules sighed. Laf scoffed.

"Not before they do it themselves, I give them like three days."

Herc chuckled. "Wanna bet?"


My first day of school after my trip was better than I thought.

I still don't like my classmates tho 😂

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