Domestic (1)

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So this is a little section that I'm going to do as an act of thankfulness for the 3K readers.

3 little stories in 3 different chapters.

Thanks so fucking much for sticking around and for actually reading this, you guys are definitely the best 💕


PS : it's going to be Trans!Alex the whole 3 chapters. Because I can.


Alex's P. O. V

John was supposed to be here with my oatmeal 10 minutes ago.

It was microwave recipe for fucks sake!

I sighed and went off the bed, carefully, since I had the extra weight in my tummy. I slide my slippers on and start walking downstairs.

"Your dad is a slow douchebag, remember that when you're older, baby. " I mumbled to my stomach as I slowly stepped, grabbing it with one hand and grabbing the stair bar with the other.

When I made it to the first floor I was immediately greeted with a fruity smell.

I walked to the kitchen and John was giving his back to me. He was humming some song and dancing to it.

I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. "So who's Naomi Rodriguez?"

He stopped dancing and turned to me with a nervous smile and a piece of pineapple in his mouth.

He quickly swallowed it and rushed to  me.

"Baby, why would you come downstairs? I was almost done. " He rubbed my back and placed a strand of hair behind my ear.

I muffled my face in his chest. "Oatmeal. Now. " I whined.

He chuckled and bent down to face my belly. "You couldn't give me five more minutes, huh?"

"No. Neither could I." I sighed.

He stood up correctly and pecked my forehead. "Sit, it's almost done."

I ended up eating his slices of watermelon and pineapple instead.


John's P. O. V

"Babe, could you please help me up with my tie?" I say as I walk out of the walk-in closet with the loose cloth over my neck.

"Sure, come -oh wow. " He stood in the middle of the room, looking at me.

"What is it? Is there something on my face? Oh god, did I forgot a button again?"

I looked down at my button up shirt. I was neatly placed.

"No, it's just, " He walked towards me and placed his hands on my chest. "You look very hot with that half bun, you definitely should rock half buns more often Mister Laurens-Hamilton. "

He complimented as he started doing my tie. I smiled and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I'll try my best, Mister Laurens-Hamilton, thanks. " I placed my hands on his enormous baby bump.

"Aaand done. " He fixed my tie knot.

He looked at me for a few seconds and suddenly his hand swinged to my hair, undoing the bun.

"What the fu- I thought you liked it!" He swatted my hair tie from his fingers.

He shrugged. "I do. Too much. And probably every bitch at that meeting will too. Now, come on honey, you're gonna be late. " He smiled, patting my shoulder, stepping out of the room.

Since then he only let me use half buns at home. Specially during sex.


Alex's P. O. V

We were watching a movie at the couch. John had his arm around me, I had my head resting on his chest and baby Philip was overy lap, playing with his fingers.

A while into the movie and then a nose wrecking smell hits the room.

I wrinkle my nose and look down at Pip. John did the same.

"Ooh, someone's gotta get a new diaper. " I laughed.

"Better go now before the whole house starts stinking." John chuckled.

"I was thinking maybe you could go this time since its been my turn the last three times. " I handed the baby to him.

He looked at me with wide eyes shooking his head.

"No, no, no. " He laughed nervously. "I'm not stepping in that high radiation zone. " He stood up with the baby in his hands, signaling me to grab him.

"Oh come on! It's not that bad!"

"Not that bad?!" He snapped. "Baby, we fed bean soup and rice to Pip today!"

I shrugged, chuckling.

He looked at me with a desperate glance, I ignored him and watched the TV, munching some Jordan Almonds.

"I can't believe I'm doing this. " He grumbled, walking upstairs, to Pip's nursery.

I smiled as I kept watching the movie, until-


Philip giggled. I did the same.


There was a five seconds silence.


I almost choked on my almonds.


I want to write some historic Lams but the lexicon it's different and since my first language it's not English I can't get to it.

Any advice?

Yours truly reminding you how beautiful and lovely you all are,


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