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I gotta admit, that it took me so much time to write/publish this part because I was conflicted with how it would turn out and what was gonna be your reaction.

When the idea to write this popped up in my head, I had clear what I wanted to transmit and what my purpose was with this concept. I don't want you to think I now don't, cause I still do, I am just not sure if all of you will be able to understand it.

Maybe you'll find weird whatever you're about to read, and that's okay, because honestly, all of this is anything but normal/common. I just wanna make clear I am not normalizing or fetishizing mental illness or the fact that people get attracted to murderers and/or any other kind of dangerous people.

To me, this is but another explosion of creativity and imagination brought from my insatiable appetite for expression, to you, this might be some stupid gross creation by a mind fucked person. Although this might be less or more gory than the last one shot, I want you to know it DOES have a message and it DOES have meaning to me.

I hope you can be able to appreciate what I'm trying to give to you.


Alex had to admit that the first week and a half living there he felt like ripping off the hair from his scalp.

He was just too overwhelmed. Having to adapt to the college life, plus the unstoppable feeling that he was being watched.

Maybe the conversation with the pizza man that day wasn't the best that could happen to an anxious person like him. He swore he was starting to see things. Also, back in school, all that students talked about was how that Sunday- which was Halloween night- it was the boogeyman's day. He could overhear people talking about it.

The urban legend of the Haddonfield Boogeyman was all people talked about. And Alex was sick of it.

Then at his house, things weren't better.

Every night, he swore he could hear faint knocks on the roof, as if someone was walking in the attic. He wanted to believe it was only rats, so he grew used to the sounds. He didn't wanna believe he was starting to get paranoid, but there was times he would leave his stuff in a place, like his books, wide open in a marked page, he would leave to do something or to take a nap and when he woke up, the book that he, supposedly left open, was closed and neatly placed on the same spot.

When Alex went to speak with James about it, more like to accuse him of messing with his stuff, it took all of his brother's explanations to convince him that it wasn't his doing.

That didn't calm Alex at all. So he simply started not taking naps, or any kind o proper sleep, whatsoever.

That didn't help either, since lack of sleep was known to cause all sorts of problems. Hallucinations, for example.

That certain day, Friday, after Alex's last class at 6:30. He took the train back home. It was October 29th, only two days before Halloween, but the town already looked spooky enough.

Earlier that day Alex had received a message from his brother informing him that he was making some extra hours, so he would be home probably after midnight.

Just great. Extra hours alone.

He sighed and entered his home. He left his coat hanging and his shoes next to the door. Kind of rushing, he went upstairs and quickly changed into some cozier clothes. Tying up his hair while going back down— and almost tripping in the process—, Alex decided to grab a quick bite of whatever left over there was on the fridge and then go up to work on some papers.

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