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A/n: Would you hate me if I stop posting on wattpad cause of college?

Freshmen Year

John's P. O. V

"Can you please don't?" I grunted.

I tapped his shoulder, his face turned to me, a raised eyebrow.

Shit eater.

"Don't what?" The boy in front of me asked. Clearly knowing what I was talking about.

"Don't make that sound with your pen. It's annoying and makes me unfocus" I tried to say as gently as possible.

He lifted an eyebrow and shrugged. "I don't wanna."

He then turned around ignoring me completely. Also, he kept doing that stupid sound.

I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore him.

I don't even know his name and I already dislike him.

Once the bell rang for lunch time, I walked out of the class and went looking for my friend Hercules.

"Heyo, J!" I heard someone call me. I ran to him.

"Wassup Herc?"

"Nothing much, there's once of the foreign brothers is in my class." He said excitedly.

"What foreing brothers?" I asked, really confused.

"A pair of adopted brothers entered this year, a French and Latino, Caribbean, I think." He explained. "The French is in my class and he's really fun cause he can barely speak English." He chuckled.

"How does the other one look like?"

"I haven't seen him, but rumor has it that he's very short, long ginger hair and freckles."

"Dammit." I mumbled. "He's in my class."

"Cool!" He cheered.

I looked at him with disgust. "He's an idiot."

"Oh well, we all have our opinions." He shrugged. "Come on, they're serving pizza today!"

Sophomore Year

"But why? He's a small brained piece of person!" Alexander whined, pointing at me.

The teacher had assigned couple work, and I happened to end up in the the same group. I can't stand him, not since him and Gilbert, his brother, got in school.

Although Gilbert was nicer and Hercules and him are friends.

"And you're a pretentious asshole, but I haven't complained, have I?" I said in a bored tone.

"You little—"

"Enough!" The teacher called out. "Both of you, have detention."

"But—!" Alexander replied.

"No buts! Or I'm sending you both to summer school!" She looked at us sternly.

I sighed and shrugged. "Fine by me, I have nothing to do at home anyways..." I mumbled and grabbed my bag.

Hamilton grabbed his and we both walked out of the classroom.

"This is all your fault." He said to me with accusing eyes.

"Mine? You called me small brained when I haven't even talked to you!" I chuckled humorlessly.

He said nothing. And neither did I.

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