What About Us, Boy?

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A/n: Lately I've been feeling like writing things inspired in songs that I like, so...

This one is inspired in Michael Jackson's 'Remember the time'



The Caribbean boy was actually tired of being there. He was helping his boyfriend pick up new players for the basketball team, but he wasn't even part of it.

He knew that Thomas only wanted him there so he couldn't go with Lafayette to the Schuylers. Thomas didn't like them.

"Thomas..." He whined. "I don't even know how to fucking play this stupid sport! "

"Oh god, Alexander, can you act like a real boyfriend for once and be useful?" The fluffy haired man rolled his eyes.

Alexander pulled his middle finger up for him. He didn't like being there. Thomas was being an ass and he was getting tired of it.

He actually didn't know why they were still together. They've been arguing too much for the past few weeks. Alex wasn't feeling right by his side anymore, and he could swear Thomas neither.

"Whatever." He muttered. "There's only two people left and then I'm leaving so I can chug down a whole jar of coffee at my dorm. " He sighed dreamily at the last part.

"You have a problem with that. That shit it's going to get you killed." Thomas made a disgust face.

"Hairspray it's going to get YOU killed, but I don't complain." Alex glared at him.

"Shut the fu-"


They both looked to the front where the next candidate was standing.

To the eyes of Thomas, he was essentially a nice piece of athlete. Wide shoulders, muscular body, and nice height.

He was also good looking and that's could help for the fame of the team.

Alexander, on the other hand. Was at the verge of fainting. His hands started sweating and his chest hitched. His breath got stuck in his throat and he really felt like crying.

"Okay so, what's your name?" Thomas asked calmly, taking the pen and the profile paper.

He wasn't aware of his boyfriend's reaction. Not like he cared either. He stopped caring a few weeks ago.

"My name is John Laurens. I'm 19 years old, I'm a junior majoring in Biology, minoring in Arts. I got transferred from South Carolina two weeks ago.  " He then placed his eyes on Alexander and smiled.

Thomas arched an eyebrow and glared at John.

"Do you mind taking your eyes off of my boyfriend?" Alexander almost laughed at Thomas statement.

John wasn't looking at him anymore, but instead turned to Thomas. He widened his eyes, still grinning.

"I didn't mean to make him uncomfortable, I'm sorry." He mockingly vowed.

Alexander blinked repeatedly and stood up. "I got to... Use the restroom, pardon. " Then, he practically sprinted out of the gym.

He made it to the main hall, breathing deeply. Then entered the restrooms with a sigh.

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