Meet Him Inside

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Alex's P. O. V

The halls were so big that it was almost impossible for me to tell the difference between them. I couldn't really identify the "main hall."

In a moment of panick I decided to text my internet friend.


Freckled boi💕: ALEEEEEEEEEX

Me: Help!

Freckled boi 💕: What's up, Lex?

Me: I got lost 😂

Freckled boi 💕: Oh 😂
Freckled boi💕: Ask somebody

Me: Nuuuuuuuuuuuu

Freckled boi💕: Then nuuuuuuu😂
Freckled boi 💕: But you're gonna be late for the tour and the day you start the semester you're gonna be even more lost

Me: I know 😩😩
Me: But I don't wanna

Freckled boi 💕: Oh fuck, run!

Me: Talk to you later 💕

Freckled boi💕: Bye Lexi ❤❤

I ran to the enormous group of students that were entering some kind of convention room.

When everyone was sitting, the principal of the whole college, Mister George K., kind of a flamboyant but pretty decent, said some welcoming words and after that every student had to go and meet their orientation leader at the exit.

As I walked out I took my paper and read. It said the person assigned to us would have a name tag on them

My orientation leader was "Martha L."

I looked around, a few people talking to the people with tags. I was genuinely confused. Someone tapped my shoulder.

"Excuse me?" The girl in front of me asked. "Need some help?"

I nodded. Looked at her face. Long braided dark curly hair, hazel eyes and soft brown freckles in her cheeks and nose area.

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