Not Friends (Johndere Pt.2)

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A/n: guess who can't sleep cause her biological clock got used to make the sleepiness come at 3 am so it's writing the second part at 12:35 am? Yeah you got it right, it's me.

Sorry for the shitty smut simplyhamilton, I'm still working on that.

Love you, enjoy! 💕


Alex's P. O. V

I felt really awkward when I stepped inside mine and John's dorm and saw him just casually sketching over my bed.

"Uh, John?" The freckled boy snapped out of his own world and smiled.

"Hey Lex!"

He left his art stuff over the bed and walked to me, hugging my air out. With a gasp, I hugged back. I couldn't help but close my eyes at his warmth. I totally loved John's hugs.

Then I remembered I had to ask him something.

"John?" I pulled back, looking at his face. It was a little hard because of our height differences.


I looked down at his hands. His knuckles were fucked up. He noticed and placed his arms casually behind his back.

"D-do you happen to know who punched Thomas Jefferson?"

I saw him tense, but his face was neutral. He even cocked an eyebrow.

"Someone punched Thomas?"

"Yeah..." I frowned. "All my male friends have been injured this week except... "

Then reality rolled over me like a truck.

"Alex?" He asked, since I had zoned out for a few seconds.

"John, have you been punching those guys?"

He looked at me with widened eyes and scratched his cheek. Just like he does when he's hiding something.

"Wh-what? No!" He shook his head fast.

"So, I can go and ask Aaron, or Thomas, or Lee who did that to them?" I aimed to walk to the door.

He snorted. "They're not allowed to tell. " Then he realised what he said.

I was furious.

"It was you, wasn't it?!"

He blinked multiple times. "I-I, YEAH! Okay?! It was me! I punched those bastards!"

"Why?! They're my friends!" I clenched my fist glaring at him.

"No. They want to fuck you."

He spat bitterly, shaking his head.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Aaron doesn't like me, neither does Thomas and Lee is a fucking flirt that doesn't know his limits, but they're good people!"

John rolled his eyes. "Are you that blind?" He laughed sarcastically. "They all get flirty and touch and all that fucking shit, and you just let them do it! In front of my fucking face!"

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