
2K 61 63


Thank you for all the beautiful birthday wishes y'all

I really love you guys, seriously, you're the bestest of the best (is that even correctly written? Meh)

Since most of you asked for smut, I guess I'll give you smut, huh?

Anyways, some of you also asked for Mulette and Jefflams but this is only 'Lams' so...

Would you read it if I make a 'Hamilton One Shots' book..?

K, enjoy! ❤


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE 9K GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

Tho, I think is a little much than that but anyways, thank you for reading this and for voting and commenting and all of that

Okay so now, for real, enjoy.


Alex's P. O. V

Why am I even like this? It's like I enjoy getting in trouble, who the fuck does that?

John is going to be so pissed, I know it. I can almost feel it. But it's my fault, I was being a provocative little bitch. And oh my, how much I like it. He would have loved it too, though.

If we would have been other place than a conference room at the office.

He really didn't enjoy getting a boner and having to deal with it by himself, but again, who would? I guess I should have been more careful and not just start palming him over his dress pants. Or when I started sucking on my own finger while looking at him. He was the only one to notice it.

Or maybe when I tilted my head and mouthed. "What's wrong Daddy?" To him.

Anyhow, I was on my way back home, I decided to come back earlier in a cab. John for sure noticed.

Oh God, he was going to be so pissed. And I am so going to enjoy it.

When the taxi drove away, I had barely time to open the front door when John's car pulled over in front of the garage.

Uh oh, it's showtime.

"Alexander... " I heard John's voice grunting and smirked.

I didn't looked back at him as I entered the house, swaying slightly my hips.

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