Gum, Paper, Notepads

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A/n: This Soulmate!AU was requested by lovely Ocean828

Hope this is what you wanted, sorry if not :/ but I love you anyways💕


"Peggy, it's just so stupid! How can something like "I think you stepped on crap" be something that somebody's soulmate will tell to them?"

The short ginger boy snorted irritated. His dark haired friend just shrugged, smiling.

"It just is." She said looking down at her own tattoo.

"Strawberry sucks."

Alex was also looking at it.

"Yours is simply ridiculous. " He laughed. She punched his arm as they kept walking.

"Someday I'm going to find them, and they're gonna be the coolest soulmate ever for hating strawberries. "

"You're just bitching cause you're allergic. " He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. Let's go, we're almost at the dollar store. "

She grabbed on his friend and yanked him downstreet.


"Yo, John! You coming or not?"

Hercules came walking downstairs followed by Lafayette.

Who would have tell they were meant to be? Even though everyone could have guessed since Hercules' tattoo was in French.

Lafayette's was hilarious and John always laughed at the thought of it, something among the lines,

"I don't know what you said, but I think it just gave me a boner. "

They've been dating ever since. That was a year ago.

John hasn't found his yet. But he never got bugged by it. It had to happen eventually, right?

"Where did you say we were going?"

"The dollar store, I need wrapping paper. " Laf clicked his tongue giving John an exaggerated annoyed look.

He didn't worry. Laf loves John like a mom would.

"Right." He said standing up from the couch at Laf and Herc's apartment. "Let's go then. "

The three of them went out the residence and as they walked to Herc's car, John couldn't help but to look down at his forearm, where some dark cursive letters were scribbled.

"Started stinking when you opened your mouth, asshat."

How romantic! John laughed sarcastically to himself as they drove to the nearest dollar store that was like 3 minutes away by car.


"Where are the dammed note pads? I just need one fucking yellow notepad!" Peggy growled, looking through the shelves.

Alex rolled his eyes and tied his hair as he asked the cashier.

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