Slit (Pt.1)

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A/n: Have you ever seen Halloween? Ya know, Michael Myers and stuff? No? Yes? Well, I've been OBSESSING over it lately. That one, and pretty much every classic slasher movie (Nightmare on Elm Street - Freddy Krueger-, Friday the 13th -Jason Vorhees-, Scream -Billy Loomis/Ghostface- , etc) So I decided, I wanted to try an AU with this movie, cause like, I'm sure no one has ever tried it before(?)

I also divided it in two parts cause the plot extended a little more that I intended, so you'll have wait for the next part for Lams to happen, that if everything turns out well and you actually like this.

In case you don't, you can always leave a comment on why.



Alex's P.O.V

"So you're telling me, we're gonna move to a house, where supposedly a murder was committed?"

My brother rolled his eyes once again at me, we've been discussing the topic for almost half an hour now.

"Alexander, that was almost twenty years ago, you weren't even born then!" He exclaimed with an exasperated hand gesture. "And about that, you know, people claiming the killer is still lurking, that's just an urban legend so that kids don't go far from their homes when trick or treating."

I looked at him and sighed. Just by hearing those stories, I already got shivers down my spine. "James, there's no way I'm gonna go move there with you."

"Well, you can't stay alone here, and if what the big city's got to offer us is a haunted house, which is, most likely not haunted at all—" He smirked sarcastically. "Then so be it!"

Although it hurt me to admit it, James was right. The only way I could go to college was living with him, since the scholarship I got didn't cover housing. Also, the house was a gift that the last husband that my great grandma had left for her, then she gave it to her daughter —my grandma— and then she gave it to my mom, and when my mom died, she left it for us, but we couldn't have it until one of us turned 21, and that was James, 6 months ago.

"Alright then." I nodded and sighed, giving up. I already had a bad feeling about all of this.

A week later we were on our way to our new home, James was quite excited to live without paying any rent. Me on the other hand, wished we were still paying rent and not about to move in a creepy old house. As I thought about it, I didn't realized that, much to my dismay, we were already there.

The house had two floors. An attic and a basement. Was located in the outer part of Haddonfield, New Jersey. A small township, but at least, all I had to do to get to class was a 30 minute train trip. (A/n: In the movie, Haddonfield is actually a fictional town in Illinois, but the one in NJ is real.)

"Woah..." James muttered as we got inside of it.

I mimicked his expression as I looked around. It was huge. Not very modern, but it wasn't too old either. At least it had a thermostat. I kept looking through the kitchen are as James rushed upstairs.

While I was admiring the surroundings in the dining space and, I realized something very scary.

"AAAAHHH!!!" I screamed.

I heard hard, rushed footsteps and in a matter of seconds, my brother was in-front of me.

"What?! What's wrong?!" He urged with concern and looking all over me, I guess, to find some kind of damage.

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