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So I wasn't going to write until Saturday but but but, this is a special occasion and deserves a one shot, so

Happy Birthday to Alex Hamilton and to any of you guys whose b'day it's today, I love you


John's P. O. V

"Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe, babe, babe-"

"What?!" I laughed at Alex's insistence and left my pencil down. "What is it doll? I need to finish this."

He rolled his eyes but smiled anyways. "Is it something that you need to tell me?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

I shook my head, confused. "Nope. Don't think so. Is there something that I'm forgetting?"

His smile fell and he frowned. "Really?"


"John Laurens are you fucking serious?" He chuckled sarcastically.

"Our anniversary was two weeks ago so... " I shook my head, still confused.

"Do you happened to look at today's date at least?" He crosses his arms. There was pain in his voice.

I took my phone and saw the screen. "It's January 11th. What's so important about it?"

He raised both eyebrows with surprise and shoved me out of his way to the door.

"I can't believe this. " He picked the keys from the vanity and opened the door.

"Alex? Where are you-"


I sighed and called Peggy.

"It worked. I hope this plan of yours is gonna work, otherwise I think he's gonna break up with me. "

She gave me some details of how everything was getting ready and thanked her. A few minutes later I received a message from Betsey.

Elizard🍃: Oh my god John, Alex came here crying, you better hurry up.

I bit my lip and replied. Throwing myself  over the chair.

Me: Just make sure he doesn't get drunk and/or starts talking about breaking up with me. I'm really nervous.

At 5:00 I already finished my sketches and started getting ready to meet Alex at some place I have planned with the guys. It was something special just for the two of us, but Peggy offered me support.

For the small price of doing her chemistry assignments for a week. Good ol' Pegs.

I grabbed my wallet, keys and phone. Then I went to our closet and grabbed a medium size box I've been hiding for a few weeks now.

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